kagʰ- : kogʰ-

to sew, plait, etc.

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[umbr. Fut. ku-kehes ‘wirst erreichen’{2}, [osk. Konj. kahad ‘nimmt (Eventualis)’ [mkymr. 2s key ‘bekommst’{3}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Pokorny

EnglishHaysendBuckland village in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishcaylow reef/islet of coral/sandnAHD W7 LRC
Englishcolanderperforated utensil for food drainagenAHD W7 LRC
Englishcouleesmall streamnAHD W7 LRC
Englishcouloirmountainside gorge (in Swiss Alps)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishcullisgutter in roofnAHD W7 LRC
Englishhaghobgoblin, female demon, evil/frightening spiritn.archW7 LRC
Englishhaggardnot tamedadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishhawhedge, copse; hawthorn berrynAHD W7 LRC
EnglishhawfinchEurasian finch with white/brown/black feathersnAHD LRC
Englishhawthornspring-flowering spiny shrubnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishHaywardfriend of Merry in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishhaywardsheriff in Tolkien: The Lord of the RingsnLRC
Englishhedgedense shrub/tree row forming fence/boundarynAHD W7 LRC
Englishhexjinx, spell, cursenW7 LRC
Englishhexto put hex on, practice witchcraftvbW7 LRC
Englishinchoateincipient, being partly/recently/imperfectly formed/begunadjAHD W7 LRC
EnglishkeycaynAHD W7 LRC
EnglishkeyquaynAHD W7 LRC
Englishpercolateto filter, cause to pass through permeable substancevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishquaypaved/solid artificial bank beside navigable water for loading/unloading shipsnAHD W7 LRC
Old Englishhæghedged landnKEW LRC
Old Englishhægtessehag, witch, furyn.femLRC
Old Englishhagahawn.mascW7 ASD LRC
Old EnglishhagaþornhawthornnW7 LRC
Old Englishhecg, hegehedge, fencen.mascW7 LRC
Middle EnglishcolyndorecolandernW7 LRC
Middle EnglishhaggehagnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishhawehawnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishhawethornhawthornnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishheggehedgenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishkeyquaynW7 LRC
Cornishkēhedge, fencenW7 LRC
West Germanic
DutchkaaiquaynTLL LRC
Pennsylvania Germanhexeto hexvbW7 LRC
Old High GermanhaghedgenKDW LRC
Old High GermanhaganhawnKDW LRC
Old High GermanhagandornhawthornnKDW LRC
Old High Germanhagzussa, hāzushag, witchn.femKDW LRC
GermanHaghedge, fence, enclosuren.mascLRC
GermanHexehag, witch, sorceressn.femW7 LRC
Germanhexento hex, conjure, practice sorceryvbW7 LRC
GermanKaiquaynTLL LRC
North Germanic
Old Norsehagipasture, fenced fieldnKNW LRC
DanishkajquaynTLL LRC
SwedishkajquaynTLL LRC
Latincohumstrap fastening plow beam to yoken.neutW7 LRC
Latincolō, colāre, colāvī, colātusto sieve, filtervbW7 LRC
Latincolō, colereto cultivate, inhabit, honorvbW7 LRC
Latincolumsieven.neutW7 LRC
Latinincohatus, incohata, incohatumbegunadjLRC
Latinincohō, incohāre, inchoāvī, inchoātusto start, hitch upvbW7 LRC
Latinpercolo, percolare, percolavi, percolatusto decoratevbW7 LRC
Late Latincolatoriummountainside gorgen.neutW7 LRC
Medieval Latincolatoriumfilter-housen.neutW7 LRC
Spanishcayocayn.mascW7 LRC
Middle FrenchhagarddrowsyadjW7 LRC
Frenchcouléea flow(ing), e.g. of lavan.femW7 LRC
Frenchcoulerto flow, sinkvbW7 LRC
Frenchcoulissegroove, sliden.femW7 LRC
Frenchcouloirhallwayn.mascW7 LRC
Frenchhaiehaw: hedgenTLL LRC
Canadian Frenchcouléea flow(ing)n.femW7 LRC
Old Provençalcoladorcolander, utensil used to sieven.mascW7 LRC