3. e-, ei-, i-, fem. ī-

(demonstrative particle: one, this, etc.)

Cross References - Pokorny

i̯āioi-no-, oi-u̯o-

Reflexes - Pokorny

East Germanic
Crimean Gothic*þiinita, thiin-itaeleven (10 + 1)nbr.cardGED LRC
Gothicishe, she, itpers.pronLRC
Gothicjaindyond, thereadvASD LRC
Gothicjunow, alreadyadvGED LRC
GothicjuþanalreadyadvGED LRC
Gothicsaei(he) who, whichrel.pronLRC
Gothicþáuthen, in that caseadvLRC
Gothicya(i)yeaadvASD LRC
Crimean Gothicieshepers.pronCGo LRC
Crimean Gothicitaone (1)nbr.cardCGo LRC
Old Englishbegeondan, beiundanbeyondadvW7 ASD LRC
Old EnglishgēayeaadvW7 LRC
Old Englishgēo, gīo, gūalreadyadvGED LRC
Old EnglishgeonyonadjW7 LRC
Old EnglishgeondyondadvW7 LRC
Old EnglishgeondanbeyondadvW7 LRC
Old Englishgi(e)f, gyf, gibifconjGED ASD LRC
Old EnglishgīetyetadvW7 LRC
Old Englishilca(the) sameadjASD LRC
Old Englishnefne, næfne, nemneexcept, unless, if notconjGED ASD LRC
Middle EnglishbeyondbeyondadvW7 LRC
Middle English-ermore/greateradv.sfxW7 LRC
Middle EnglishhitheryonderadvW7 LRC
Middle EnglishififconjW7 LRC
Middle Englishilkilk; samenAHD LRC
Middle Englishitemitem, in addition, alsoadvW7 LRC
Middle Englishya, yeyea, yesadvW7 LRC
Middle EnglishyetyetadvW7 LRC
Middle Englishyonyon, yonderadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishyondyonderadvW7 LRC
Middle EnglishyonderyonderadvW7 LRC
Englishbeyondfarther, on/to far sideadvAHD W7 LRC
Englishibidemin the same placeadvAHD LRC
English-idsecondary allergic skin rashsfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishidsource of organism's energy from which ego/libido are derivednAHD W7 LRC
Englishidsecondary allergic skin rashnAHD W7 LRC
Englishidemsame, previously mentionedpronAHD W7 LRC
Englishidenticalbeing the sameadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishidentifyto establish identityvbAHD LRC
Englishidentitysameness of character in different instancesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishifin the event thatconjAHD W7 LRC
Englishilktype, kindnAHD LRC
Englishitemalso, in additionadvAHD W7 LRC
Englishiterateto repeatvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishreiterateto do/say again/repeatedlyvb.transAHD W7 LRC
EnglishyeayesadvAHD W7 LRC
Englishyetbesides, in additionadvAHD W7 LRC
EnglishyonyonderadjAHD W7 LRC
EnglishyondyonderadvAHD W7 LRC
Englishyonderat/in a more/less distant placeadvAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianie, geyeaadvASD LRC
Old FrisianietayetadvW7 LRC
Old Frisianjef, jofifconjGED LRC
FrisianjayeaadvASD LRC
DutchjayeaadvASD LRC
Dutchofor, either, whetherconjTLL LRC
DutchofschoonalthoughconjTLL LRC
Old SaxonefifconjGED LRC
Old Saxongiu, jualreadyadvGED LRC
Old SaxonjāyeaadvASD LRC
Old High Germangiu, jualreadyadvGED LRC
Old High Germanienērthatdem.adjW7 LRC
Old High GermanjāyesadvW7 LRC
Middle High GermanjāyeaadvASD LRC
Germanerhe, itpron.3.sg.masc.nomTLL LRC
Germanesherpron.3.sg.neut.nomTLL LRC
Germanihmhimpron.3.sg.mascTLL LRC
Germanihnhimpron.3.sg.masc.accTLL LRC
GermanIhnenyou (polite)pron.2.sgTLL LRC
Germanihnenthempron.3.pl.datTLL LRC
Germanihrtheirpron.3.pl.genTLL LRC
Germanihrherpron.3.sg.fem.datTLL LRC
Germanihrherpron.3.sg.fem.genTLL LRC
GermanjayeaadvASD LRC
Germanobif, whetherconjTLL LRC
GermanobgleichalthoughconjTLL LRC
GermanobschonalthoughconjTLL LRC
North Germanic
Old Norseefif, lest, whetherconjLRC
Old Norseerwho, which; whenrel.pclLRC
Old Icelandicef, ifdoubtn.str.neutGED LRC
Old Icelandicefato doubtvb.wkGED LRC
Icelandicjāyea, yesadvASD LRC
Danishja, joyeaadvASD LRC
Swedishja, joyeaadvASD LRC
OscaneíseíshepronRPN LRC
Umbrianerehe, itpers.pronRPN LRC
Umbrianerek, eřekhe, itpronRPN LRC
Umbrianersehe, itpronRPN LRC
Latinibithere, thenadvLRC
LatinibīdemibidemadvAHD ELD LRC
Latin-id(patronymic)n.sfxW7 LRC
Latiniditpron.neutW7 LRC
Latinidemthe samepronW7 LRC
Latinipse, ipsa, ipsumselfinten.pronLRC
Latinis, ea, idhim, her, thisdem.pronLRC
Latin-is(patronymic)n.sfx.femW7 LRC
Latinitaqueand alsoadvLRC
Latinitemalso, the same wayadvLRC
Latinitero, iterare, iteravi, iteratusto repeat, do againvbW7 LRC
LatiniterumagainadvW7 LRC
Latinreitero, reiterare, reiteravi, reiteratusto repeatvbW7 LRC
Late Latinidentitas, identitatisidentityn.femW7 LRC
Medieval LatinidenticusidenticaladjW7 LRC
French-idelikenesssfxW7 LRC
Lithuanianjaũjust, alreadyadvGED LRC
LithuanianjéiifconjGED LRC
Lithuanianjìs, jìhe, she, itpronLRC
Lithuanianand, butconjLRC
Latvianarvienall the time, the whole timeadvLRC
LatvianjaifconjGED LRC
LatvianjàualreadyadvGED LRC
Old Church Slavoniceterъone, a certainadjLRC
Old Church Slavonic*ihedem.pronLRC
Old Church Slavoniciand, evenadvLRC
Old Church Slavonicižewho, whichrel.pronLRC
Old Church Slavonicinъthis, this one heredem.adjLRC
Old Church Slavonickъdewhen, whereint.advLRC
Old Church SlavonicsьdehereadvLRC
Old Church Slavonicu(že)alreadyadvGED LRC
Old Church Slavonicju(že)alreadyadvGED LRC
Greekenēof the day/year beforeadjW7 LRC
Greekἔνθαthen, thereadvLRC
Greekἐπεάνwhen, afterconjLRC
Greekἐπείwhen, afterconjLRC
Greekἠδέand, alsoconjLRC
Greekοἶονso to sayadvLRC
Greekὅςthis, that, he, she, itpron.demLRC
Greekὡςso, as, thusadvLRC
Classical Armenianaynthat (over there); he, she, itpronLRC
Classical Armenianaysthis, this right heredem.adjLRC
Classical Armenianetʿethat; if; orconjLRC
Avestanaēša-thispronRPN LRC
Sanskrititarathe othernW7 LRC
SanskrititithusconjW7 LRC
Sanskriteṣá-ḥthispronRPN LRC
SanskrityádifconjGED LRC