dʰeu-b-, dʰeu-p-

deep, hollow

Cross References - Pokorny

dʰebʰ-, dʰebʰ-eu-dʰembʰ-, dʰm̥bʰ-

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old IrishDomnallDonaldprop.nAHD LRC
Old Englishdēop, dīopdeepadjW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishdūfanto dive, sinkvb.strW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishdȳfanto dipvb.wkW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishdyppan, dippanto dipvb.wkW7 ASD LRC
Middle Englishde(e)pdeepadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishdepthdepthnW7 LRC
Middle Englishdippento dipvbW7 LRC
Middle Englishdiven, duvento divevbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishdympulldimplenW7 LRC
Englishdeepextending far down from surfaceadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishdepthdeep place in body of waternAHD W7 LRC
Englishdimpledepression/indentation in cheeknIEW W7 LRC
Englishdipto plunge/immerse (in liquid) to cool/coat/moistenvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishdiveto plunge headfirst into watervbAHD W7 LRC
EnglishDonaldmale given nameprop.nAHD LRC
Englishdumpdeep water-filled holenIEW LRC
EnglishPythiapriestess/prophetess of Delphic Apolloprop.nW7 LRC
EnglishPythianre: Pythoprop.adjW7 LRC
EnglishPytho(older name for) Delphiprop.nW2I LRC
EnglishPythondragon/serpent as tutelary demon of Delphic oracular cultprop.nAHD LRC
Englishpythonlarge constricting snake (e.g. boa)nAHD W7 LRC
EnglishTyphonmonster with 100 heads (Greek mythology)prop.nLRC
West Germanic
Old Frisiandiap, diopdeepadjASD LRC
DutchdiepdeepadjASD LRC
Dutchdoopento dip, baptizevbASD LRC
Old Saxondiap, diopdeepadjASD LRC
Old Saxondōpianto dip, baptizevbASD LRC
Old High Germantiof, tiufdeepadjW7 ASD LRC
Old High Germantoufēnto dip, baptizevbASD LRC
Old High Germantupfento washnW7 LRC
Middle High GermantiefdeepadjASD LRC
Middle High Germantoufento dip, baptizevbASD LRC
Germantaufento dip, baptizevbASD LRC
GermantiefdeepadjASD LRC
Germantupfento dabvbLRC
North Germanic
Old NorsedjúprdeepadjLRC
IcelandicdjūprdeepadjASD LRC
Icelandicdȳfato dipvbASD LRC
DanishdybdeepadjASD LRC
SwedishdjupdeepadjASD LRC
East Germanic
Gothicdaupyanto dip, baptizevbASD LRC
LatinPȳthiaPythia, the Pythonessn.femELD LRC
LatinPȳthi(c)usDelphic, PythianadjELD LRC
LatinPȳthōnPython: snake killed by Apollo near Delphiprop.n.mascW7 LRC
LatinTyphonTyphonn.mascW7 LRC
LithuaniandubusdeepadjW7 LD LRC
GreekΠυθίαPythiaprop.nELD LRC
GreekΠυθικόςDelphic, Pythianprop.adjELD LRC
GreekΠύθιοςDelphic, Pythianprop.adjELD LRC
GreekPythōnPython: spirit of divinationn.mascW7 LRC
GreekTyphōnTyphonn.mascW7 LRC