3. bʰer-

to bore, cut, scrape, use sharp tool

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[alit. barti ‘schilt’{4}, [lit. barù, (bárti) ‘schelten’, refl. ‘sich zanken’{5}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. borjǫ, (brati) ‘kämpfen’{5a}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?ai. (DhP) bhr̥ṇāti ‘droht, schimpft’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?[alb. bren ‘nagt, zerfrißt’{6}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIalb. bie ‘klopft, schlägt; fällt’{8}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIan. (+) berja ‘schlagen’{7}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlat. feriō, -īre ‘stoßen, schlagen’{7a}NYI..LIV TOL

Cross References - Pokorny

bʰroisqo-, bʰrisqo-bʰrēi-, bʰrī̆-

Reflexes - Pokorny

Irishbarrabar, spikenCDC LRC
Gaelicbarrabar, spikenCDC LRC
Bretonbarrenbar, branchnCDC LRC
CornishbarabarnCDC LRC
Welshbarbar, railnCDC LRC
Old Englishbearg, bearhbarrown.mascW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishborauger, gimletnRPN LRC
Old Englishborianto bore, piercevbRPN LRC
Middle Englishbarow(e), bar(r)ow, barubarrownW7 CDC LRC
Middle Englishbarr(e)barnW7 CDC LRC
Middle Englishbor(i)ento borevbW7 CDC LRC
Englishbarbarrier, straight solid wood/metal implementnIEW LRC
Englishbarrowmale hog castrated prior to sexual maturitynAHD W7 LRC
Englishboreto pierce with rotary toolvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishborerrotary tool for boringnLRC
Englishburinstone-cutting tool with sharp beveled pointnAHD LRC
EnglishDukhobor(member of) Russian Christian movementprop.nAHD LRC
Englishforamenfenestra: small opening/orifice/perforationnAHD W7 LRC
Englishperforateto make hole(s) invbAHD W7 LRC
Englishpharynxalimentary canal between mouth and esophagusnAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Frisianbaergbarrown.mascASD LRC
Dutchbargbarrown.mascASD LRC
DutchbergbarrownCDC LRC
Dutchboorborer, auger, gimletnCDC LRC
Dutchborento borevbCDC LRC
Middle Low GermanbarcbarrownCDC LRC
Middle Low Germanborborer, auger, gimletnCDC LRC
Old High Germanbar(u)g, barcbarrown.mascW7 ASD LRC
Old High GermanboroaugernRPN LRC
Old High Germanborōnto borevbRPN LRC
Middle High Germanbar(re)barnCDC LRC
Middle High Germanbornto borevbCDC LRC
GermanBarrebar, ingotnCDC LRC
Germanbohrento borevbLRC
GermanBohrerborer, auger, gimletn.mascLRC
GermanBorg-schweinbarrown.neutASD LRC
North Germanic
Old NorsebarkithroatnW7 LRC
Old Norseberja, barði, bariðrto beat, smite; (refl.) fightvbLRC
Old Icelandicborato bore (holes in)vbRPN LRC
Old Icelandicborrborer, auger, gimletnRPN LRC
Icelandicborato borevbCDC LRC
Icelandicborrborer, auger, gimletnCDC LRC
IcelandicbörgrbarrownCDC LRC
Danishbarrebar, ingotnCDC LRC
Danishborborer, auger, gimletnCDC LRC
Danishboreto borevbCDC LRC
Swedishborrborer, auger, gimletnCDC LRC
Swedishborrato borevbCDC LRC
Latinferiō, ferīreto strike, cut, killvbW7 LRC
Latinforāmen, forāminishole, openingn.neutW7 LRC
Latinforō, forāreto bore, piercevbRPN LRC
Latininformis, informis, informehideous, unshapelyadjLRC
Latinperforo, perforare, perforatusto pierce, perforatevbW7 LRC
Late LatinbarrabarnCDC LRC
New Latinpharynx, pharyngispharynxn.mascW7 LRC
PortuguesebarrabarnCDC LRC
SpanishbarrabarnCDC LRC
Old FrenchbarrebarnW7 LRC
FrenchbarrebarnCDC LRC
Old OccitanbarrabarnCDC LRC
ItalianbarrabarnCDC LRC
Old Church Slavonicborjǫ, bratito fightvbRPN LRC
RussianbarŭbarnCDC LRC
Russianbort'hollowed-out treenRPN LRC
AlbanianbrimëholenRPN LRC
Homeric Greekφάρυγξthroat, gullet, pharynxn.femLS LRC
Greekφαράωto plowvbRPN LRC
Greekφάρμακονpaint, colorn.neutLRC
Greekφαρόωto plowvbRPN LRC
Greekpharynxthroat, pharynxn.mascW7 LRC
Classical ArmenianberanmouthnLRC
Armenianbremto dig, drill (out)vbRPN LRC
Sanskritbhára-ḥwar, battle, contestnRPN LRC