2. u̯ebʰ-

to roam, swarm, wander

Cross References - Pokorny


Reflexes - Pokorny

West Germanic
Middle High Germanwebenmove, swingTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germanweberento frolic or to amuse oneselfTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germanwebelento fluctuate/to waverTBDIEW UKY GPT
New High GermanwibbelnwiggleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germanwabento be in constant motionTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germanwaberento be in constant motionTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germanwabelento be in constant motionTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germanwappento swing back and forthTBDIEW UKY GPT
New High Germanwabbeligwobbly, e.g. from gelatinousTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old High GermanwibilBeetle, corn wormTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old SaxonwivilBeetle, corn wormTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle Low GermanwevelBeetle, corn wormTBDIEW UKY GPT
Anglo-Saxonwafianto moveTBDIEW UKY GPT
Anglo-Saxonwǣfreerratic, flickeringTBDIEW UKY GPT
Anglo-SaxonwifelCorn wormTBDIEW UKY GPT
Anglo-SaxonwibbaRose chaferTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle Englishwaverenwaver, fluctuateTBDIEW UKY GPT
Englishwaverwaver, fluctuateTBDIEW UKY GPT
North Germanic
Old IcelandicvaflawobbleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Icelandicvafrato move constantly back and forth, to rippleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Icelandicvefjastto move constantly back and forth, to rippleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Icelandicvāfafloat, dangleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Icelandic*vifillBeetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuanianvebžd-ù, -ė́tiswarming, getting confused, moving around disorderlyTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianvãbalasBeetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianvabuolasBeetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
LatvianvabuolisBeetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianvóbuolasBeetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
LatvianvambaleDung beetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
LatvianvambuoleDung beetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Žemaitianvabolė̃Dung beetleTBDIEW UKY GPT
Žemaitianvam̃bolėDung beetleTBDIEW UKY GPT