1. (s)teg-

to deck, thatch, cover; house, roof

Reflexes - Liv

NYIgr. στέγω ‘(be)decke, schütze’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. στέξαι ‘(be)deckte, schützte’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlat. tegō, -ere ‘(be)decken’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlat. tēxī ‘(be)deckte’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIair. -tuigethar ‘(be)deckt’; mkymr. to- ‘bedecken’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIan. (+) þekja ‘decken’NYI..LIV TOL

Cross References - Pokorny


Reflexes - Pokorny

Old IrishétachgarmentnRPN LRC
Old IrishtechhousenRPN LRC
Old IrishtugatóirthatchernRPN LRC
Old Irishtugidto roof over, to covervbRPN LRC
Old WelshtighousenRPN LRC
Old Englishtigeletile, brickn.femW7 LRC
Old Englishþæcthatch, roofn.neutRPN LRC
Old Englishþ(e)acaroof, coveringn.mascRPN LRC
Old Englishðeccan, ðeahte, ðeahtto cover, concealvb.wk.ILRC
Old Englishþeccanto covervbRPN LRC
Middle Englishdetectento detectvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtegumenttegumentnW7 LRC
Middle Englishthecchento thatchvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtiletilenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtoileclothnW7 LRC
Englishdeckcovering, floor/platform (e.g. on ship)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishdeckto covervb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishdeckledetachable wooden frame around moldnAHD W7 LRC
Englishdetectto discover true/hidden/disguised character ofvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishintegumentsomething that covers/enclosesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishobtectre: enclosure in firm chitinous case/coveringadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishprotectto guard, shield from injury/destructionvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishstegodonextinct elephant-like mammalnAHD LRC
Englishstegosaurherbivorous dinosaur with bony back-platesnAHD LRC
Englishtectrixcovert, shelter, hiding placenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtectumrooflike structure of bodynAHD LRC
Englishtegmenintegument, superficial layer/covernAHD W7 LRC
Englishtegmentumtegmen, coveringnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtegularre: tileadjAHD W7 LRC
EnglishtegumentintegumentnAHD W7 LRC
Englishthatch(covering of) straw/plant materialnW7 LRC
Englishthatchto cover (with thatch)vb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishthugbrutal ruffian/assassinnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtilepiece of fired claynAHD W7 LRC
Englishtogaloose outer garmentnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtuillehinged armor thigh platenAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianthekkato deckvbASD LRC
DutchdakroofnTLL LRC
DutchdekdecknTLL LRC
DutchdekenblanketnTLL LRC
Dutchdekkento deckvbW7 LRC
Old Saxonþekkianto deck, thatchvbRPN LRC
Old Low Germanthekkanto deckvbASD LRC
Middle Low German*vordeckdecknW7 LRC
Middle Low Germanvordeckento deckvbW7 LRC
Low German*verdeckdecknW7 LRC
Old High Germandahdeck, roof, blanketn.neutASD LRC
Old High Germandecchen, deckento deckvbRPN W7 LRC
Old High Germandecchideck, roofnRPN LRC
Old High Germanziagel, ziagalotile, brick, earthenware jarn.femASD LRC
GermanDachdeck, roof, cover, sheltern.neutASD LRC
GermanDeckdeckn.neutTLL LRC
GermanDeckeroof, cover, blanketn.femTLL LRC
GermanDeckellid, covern.mascW7 LRC
Germandeckento deckvbW7 LRC
GermanVerdeckdeckn.neutW7 LRC
North Germanic
Old NorsetigltilenW7 LRC
Old Norseþekjadeck, thatch, roofn.femLRC
Old Icelandicstakaskin, hidenRPN LRC
Old Icelandicþekjato deck, thatchvbRPN LRC
Icelandictigltile, brickn.neutASD LRC
Icelandicþakdeck, roofn.neutASD LRC
Icelandicþekjato deck, thatchvbASD LRC
DanishdaekdecknTLL LRC
DanishtagroofnTLL LRC
SwedishdäckdecknTLL LRC
Swedishtakroof, ceilingnTLL LRC
Latindetectusdetectedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latindetego, detegereto detect, uncovervbW7 LRC
Latinintectus, intecta, intectumuncoveredadjLRC
Latinintego, integereto covervbW7 LRC
Latinintegumentumcover, protectionn.neutW7 LRC
Latinobtectuscovered overvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinobtego, obtegereto cover overvbW7 LRC
Latinprotectusprotectedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinprotego, protegereto protect, covervbW7 LRC
Latintectorone that coversn.mascW7 LRC
Latintēctumdeck, roofn.neutRPN LRC
Latintegesmat, rug, coveringnRPN LRC
Latintegimentumtegmentum, envelopen.neutW7 LRC
Latintegmentegmenn.neutW7 LRC
Latintego, tegereto thatch, cover, conceal, protectvbRPN LRC
Latintegula, tegulaetilen.femLRC
Latintegulumroof, coveringnRPN LRC
Latintegumen, teguminisclothing, coveringn.neutLRC
Latintegumentumtegmentum, envelopen.neutW7 LRC
Latintogacovering; (Roman) garmentn.femRPN LRC
New Latintectrix, tectriciscovering feathern.femW7 LRC
New Latintegmen, tegministegmenn.neutW7 LRC
New Latintegmentumtegmentumn.neutW7 LRC
Portuguesetetoroof, thatchnTLL LRC
Spanishtechoroof, thatchnTLL LRC
Middle Frenchtuilletilen.femW7 LRC
Frenchtoitroof, thatchnTLL LRC
Italiantettoroof, thatchnTLL LRC
Old PrussiansteegebarnnRPN LRC
Old PrussianstogisroofnRPN LRC
LithuanianstógasroofnRPN LRC
Old Church Slavonico-stegъgarmentnRPN LRC
Homeric Greekτέγοςroof, thatch; covered part of housenRPN LRC
Greekστέγηroof, thatchnRPN LRC
Greekστέγοςroof, thatch; covered part of housen.neutRPN LRC
Greekστέγωto thatch, cover, conceal, protectvbRPN LRC
Greekτέγηroof, thatchnRPN LRC
Sanskritsthagathug, roguenW7 LRC
Sanskritsthagatito veil, cover, concealvbRPN LRC
Sanskritsthagita-ḥcovered, concealed, hiddenadjRPN LRC
Hindiṭhagthug, thiefnW7 LRC