stāi-, stī̆-, sti̯-ā-

to condense, press together; stiff; stone

Reflexes - Liv

NYIved. (AVP+) ní ṣṭyāyatām ‘soll steif werden’{2}NYI..LIV TOL

Cross References - Pokorny

(s)tāi-stē̆ib(ʰ)-, stī̆b(ʰ)-, stē̆ip-, stī̆p-

Reflexes - Pokorny

EnglishElfstanhobbit in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
EnglishElfstonea.k.a. Aragorn in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
EnglishArkenstoneThorin's precious stone in Tolkien: The Hobbitprop.nLRC
EnglishbrimstonesulfurnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishStonebowsa.k.a. Brandywine Bridge in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.n.plLRC
Englishsteapsinlipase in pancreatic juicenAHD W7 LRC
Englishstearinester of glycerol/stearic acidnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishAthelstanking of England (AD 924/925 - 939)prop.nLRC
Englishstearicre: stearin/tallowadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishsteatitesoapstone: massive talcnAHD W7 LRC
Englishsteinearthenware beer mugnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstewardone employed to manage domestic concernsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstoneconcretion of earthy/mineral matternAHD W7 LRC
EnglishStonewainnarrow valley in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishstyenclosure for animals (esp. swine)nW7 LRC
Englishtungstenhard heavy ductile polyvalent metalnAHD W7 LRC
Old Englisheorc(n)an-stān, eorcen-stānjewel, precious stone, lit. silver-stonen.str.mascASD LRC
Old Englishbryn-stānbrimstonen.mascMEV LRC
Old Englishstān-bogaarch, bridge, lit. stone-bown.mascASD LRC
Old EnglishÆðelstānAthelstan, lit. noble-stoneprop.nLRC
Old Englishstānstonen.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishstān-clifstony cliffn.neutLRC
Old Englishstig, stīsty, enclosure; hall, part of housen.neutW7 IEW LRC
Old Englishstī(g)-weardsteward, lit. hall-wardn.mascW7 LRC
Middle Englishbrinston, brynstanebrimstonenW7 MEV LRC
Middle EnglishstewardstewardnW7 LRC
Middle Englishston(e)stonenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstystynW7 LRC
North Germanic
Icelandicstein-bogistone archnASD LRC
Icelandicsteina-brú(natural) stone bridgenASD LRC
IcelandicsteinnstonenASD LRC
Icelandicstíasty, kenneln.femASD LRC
IcelandicstívarðrstewardnASD LRC
Icelandicsvína-stípig-stynASD LRC
Old NorseAðalsteinnAthelstan, lit. noble stoneprop.nLRC
Old Norsebautarsteinnmemorial stonen.mascLRC
Old Norsejarknasteinnprecious stonen.mascLRC
Old Norsesteinnstone, rockn.mascLRC
Old NorsestīstynW7 LRC
DanishstenstonenTLL LRC
DanishstístynASD LRC
SwedishstenstonenW7 LRC
Swedishstiastyn.femASD LRC
Swedishtungstentungsten, lit. heavy stonenW7 LRC
Frenchstéarinestearinn.femW7 R1 LRC
Frenchstéariquestearic, re: stearineadjW7 LRC
Latinsteatitisprecious stonen.femW7 LRC
West Germanic
Old FrisianstēnstonenASD LRC
DutchsteenstonenTLL LRC
Old SaxonstēnstonenASD LRC
Old High Germansteinstonen.mascW7 LRC
Old High Germanstīgasty; halln.femASD LRC
Middle High Germanstīge, stījesty for small livestocknIEW LRC
GermanSteigesty, hen-coopn.femASD LRC
GermanSteinstonen.mascW7 LRC
GermanSteingutstoneware, potteryn.neutW7 LRC
East Germanic
Homeric Greekστέαρ(hard) fat, tallown.neutLRC