Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
NYI | [arm. hani ‘webte, nähte zusammen’{2} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | arm. henowm ‘webe, nähe zusammen’{3} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | aksl. -pętъ ‘spannte’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | aksl. (+) -pьnǫ, (pęti) ‘spannen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | čech. pním, (pníti) ‘in der Luft hängen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [ahd. (+) spannan ‘spannen’, spanan ‘locken’{4} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[got. (+) spinnan ‘spinnen’{7} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | an. spenna ‘spannen, umschlingen’{8} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. πένομαι ‘mühe mich ab, strenge mich an’{6} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. πονέομαι ‘mühe mich ab, strenge mich an’{6} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lit. pinù, (pìnti) ‘flechten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[toch.B peññatär, A pañwäṣ ‘streckt aus, spannt’{9} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
West Germanic |
Old Frisian | pund | pound | n | ASD LRC |
Old Low German | punt | pound | n | ASD LRC |
Dutch | spin | spider | n | TLL LRC |
Old Low German | spinnila | spindle | n | ASD LRC |
Old High German | pfunt | pound | n | ASD LRC |
Old High German | spanga | clasp | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Old High German | spinna | spider | n | KDW LRC |
Old High German | spin(n)ala | spindle | n | ASD LRC |
Old High German | spinnan | to spin | vb | W7 LRC |
Old High German | spīsa | food | n | KDW LRC |
German | Spange | clasp | n | ASD LRC |
German | Speise | food, meal | n.fem | LRC |
German | Spesen | costs, charges, expenses | | LRC |
German | Spind | locker, wardrobe | n.neut | LRC |
German | Spinne | spider | n.fem | TLL LRC |
German | Spinnen | spinning | n.neut | LRC |
German | spinnen | to spin | vb | LRC |
North Germanic |
Icelandic | pund | pound | n | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | spinna | to spin | vb | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | spöng | clasp | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Old Norse | pund | pound | n | W7 LRC |
Old Norse | spöng | spangle | n | W7 LRC |
Danish | spise | food | n | LRC |
Swedish | spindel | spider | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | spis | food | n | LRC |
East Germanic |
Gothic | pund | pound | n | ASD LRC |
Gothic | spinnan | to spin | vb | ASD LRC |
English |
Old English | pund | pound, pint | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Old English | spang | clasp, buckle, fastening | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old English | spin(e)l | spindle | n.fem | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | spinnan, spann, spunnon, spunnen | to spin | vb.str | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | spīþra | spider | n | KEW LRC |
Middle English | countrepesen | to counterpoise | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | dependen | to depend | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | dispensen | to dispense | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | expenden | to expend | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | paynter | painter | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pendaunt | pendant | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pensif | pensive | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pension | pension | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pentis | penthouse | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | perpend | perpend | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | perpendiculer | perpendicular | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle English | perpoynt | perpend | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | poisen | to poise, weigh | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | ponderen | to ponder | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | ponderous | ponderous | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pound | pound | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | purpensen | to deliberate, premeditate | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | recompensen | to recompense | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | spang | shiny ornament | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | spangel | spangle | n.dim | W7 LRC |
Middle English | spider | spider | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | spindel | spindle | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | spinnen | to spin | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | spithre | spider | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | stipendy | stipend | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | suspenden | to suspend | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | vilipenden | to vilipend, regard as contemptible | vb | W7 LRC |
English | antependium | hanging for front of altar/pulpit/lectern | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | append | to affix, attach | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | appendix | appendage | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | avoirdupois | weights (in a certain series) | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | compendium | abstract, brief summary of larger work/field of knowledge | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | compensate | to counterbalance, be equivalent to | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | counterpoise | to counterbalance | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | depend | to be contingent | vb.intrans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | dispense | to parcel out | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | equiponderate | to equal in weight/force | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | expend | to spend, pay out | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | geoponic | agricultural | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | impend | to hang suspended | vb.intrans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | lithopone | white pigment: precipitated zinc sulfide/barium sulfate | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | painter | line for towing/securing boat | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pansy | flowering garden plant | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | penchant | liking, strong leaning | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pendant, pendent | (something) suspended/supported from above | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pendentive | triangular spherical vaulting | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pendulous | poised without visible support | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pendulum | freely swinging body suspended from fixed point | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pensile | pendent, hanging | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pension | monetary (e.g. retirement) sum paid regularly | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pensive | musingly/dreamily thinking/thoughtful | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | penthouse | shed/roof attached to/sloping from wall/building | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | perpend, perpent | brick/large stone reaching through wall | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | perpend | to ponder, reflect on carefully | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | perpendicular | exactly upright/vertical | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | peso | Spanish silver coin | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | poise | to balance | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ponder | to weigh in mind | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ponderous | of very great weight | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pound | unit of mass/weight | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | prepense | purpensed | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | preponderate | to outweigh | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | propend | to incline | vb.intrans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | purpensed | premeditated, planned/deliberated beforehand | vb.ptc | AHD W7 LRC |
English | recompense | to repay, give compensation to | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | spangle | small shiny metal ornament | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | spider | arachnid having 2-part body/4 pairs of legs | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | spin, spun | to draw out/twist fiber into yarn/thread | vb.str | AHD W7 LRC |
English | spindle | round rod/pin with tapered ends | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | spontaneous | voluntary, arising without external constraint/stimulus | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | stipend | monetary sum paid periodically for services/expenses | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | suspend | to debar temporarily from office/function/privilege | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | vilipend | to contemn, hold/treat as of little worth/account | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
Italic |
Latin | appendix, appendicis | addition, attachment, continuation | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | appendō, appendere | to weigh out, hang to something | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | compendium | saving, shortcut | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | compendo, compendere | to weigh together | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | compensatus | weighed, balanced, compensated | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | compēnsō, compēnsāre | to weigh, balance, compensate | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | compensus | weighed | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | dēpendeō, dēpendēre | to depend, hang on/from/down | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | dispendō, dispendere | to weigh out | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | dispēnsō, dispēnsāre | to dispense, pay out, distribute | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | dispensus | distributed | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | expendō, expendere | to expend, pay/weigh out | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | impendeō, impendēre | to overhang, be near/at hand | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | impendō, impendere, impendī, impēnsum | to lay/weigh out, use, devote | vb | LRC |
Latin | pendens, pendentis | hanging | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | pendeō, pendēre | to hang, be suspended | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | pendō, pendere | to hang, weigh, suspend | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | pendulum | pendulum, something hanging | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | pendulus | hanging | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | pensilis | hanging | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | pensio, pensionis | pension | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | pēnsō, pēnsāre | to weigh, compare, ponder | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | pensum | weight | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | pensus | hung, paid | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | perpendicularis | perpendicular | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | perpendiculum | plumb line | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | perpendō, perpendere | to weigh carefully, examine | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | ponderō, ponderāre | to weigh, ponder | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | ponderosus | heavy | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | pondus, ponderis | weight | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | praeponderatus | outweighed | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | praeponderō, praeponderāre | to outweigh | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | propendeo, propendēre | to hang down | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | sponte | voluntarily | adv | W7 LRC |
Latin | stipendium | pay | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | suspendō, suspendere | to suspend | vb | W7 LRC |
Vulgar Latin | pendico, pendicare | to hang | vb | W7 LRC |
Vulgar Latin | pendō, pendere | to hang | vb | W7 LRC |
Vulgar Latin | *pēsum | weight | n | AHD LRC |
Late Latin | recompēnsō, recompēnsāre | to recompense | vb | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | spontaneus | spontaneous | adj | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | aequiponderatus | made to have equal weight | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | antependium | antependium | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | appenticium | appendage | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | compendium | compendium, collection | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | dispēnsō, dispēnsāre | to grant dispensation | vb | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | equiponderō, equiponderāre | to weigh out equally | vb | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | spenda | pantry | n | LRC |
Medieval Latin | spēsa | food | n | KDW LRC |
Medieval Latin | vilipendō, vilipendere | to slander | vb | W7 LRC |
New Latin | pendulum | body suspended to swing freely | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Portuguese | pesar | grief | n | TLL LRC |
Spanish | pesar | regret | n | TLL LRC |
Spanish | peso | Spanish currency unit | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old French | avoirdupois | valuables, lit. goods of weight | | W7 LRC |
Old French | peis, pois | weight | n | AHD LRC |
Old French | penser | to think | vb | W7 LRC |
Old French | purpenser | to deliberate, premeditate | vb | W7 LRC |
Old French | suspendre | to hang up, interrupt | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | appentis | penthouse | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | contrepeser | to counterweight | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | dependre | to depend | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pendant | while | prep | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pendoir | clothesline | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pendre | to hang | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pensée | thought | n | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pensif | pensive | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pension | pension | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pentoir | clothesline | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | perpain | perpend/perpent | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | perpendiculer | to set in perpendicular position | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | peser | to weigh | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pois- | weight | stem | W7 LRC |
Middle French | ponderer | to ponder | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pondereux | heavy | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle French | purpenser | to deliberate | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | recompenser | to recompense | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | vilipender | to vilipend | vb | W7 LRC |
French | appendre | to hang to something | vb | W7 LRC |
French | penchant | leaning, tendency | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | pencher | to incline | vb | W7 LRC |
French | pendant | during | prep | TLL LRC |
French | pendentif | jewel hanging from neck chain | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Hellenic |
Greek | γεω-πονέω | to plow, till | vb | LS LRC |
Greek | γεω-πόνος | farmer, husbandman | n.masc | LS LRC |
Greek | πονέω | to toil, labor, work hard | vb | LRC |
Greek | πονηρός | evil, wicked | adj | LRC |
Greek | πόνος | grief; labor | n.masc | LRC |