Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
NYI | ved. 1p Inj. mā́ chedma RV 1,109,3 ‘daß wir nicht (etw.) zerreißen!’{1a} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. chinátti ‘schneidet ab, zerreißt, zerbricht’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?ved. chídyate, chidyáte ‘wird abgeschnitten, zerreißt, zerbricht’{4} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?spätved. (Sū.) chedayati ‘läßt abschneiden’{5} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. (Br.) acchaitsit ‘hat zerrissen’{7} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. (AVP) cicchidur ‘haben abgeschnitten’{9} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[got. (+) skaidan, ahd. skeidan ‘scheiden’{2} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | an. (+) skíta ‘scheißen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?got. (+) skaiskaiþ ‘schied’{2},## 3p an. skito, ae. be-sciten ‘schissen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [lat. scindō, -ere ‘zerreißen, spalten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lat. scicidī ‘zerriß, spaltete’, jünger (Kaiserzeit) scidi | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[lit. skindù, (skìsti) ‘auseinander gehen, sich spalten’{3} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [lit. skáidau, skáidyti ‘trennen, zerlegen’, lett. skaidu, skaidît ‘verdünnen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lit. skíedžiu, (skíesti) ‘trennen; verdünnen’, lett. šķiêžu, (šķiêst) ‘verstreuen, vertun’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. σχίζω ‘spalte’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. ἔσχισα ‘habe gespalten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | r.-ksl. cěditi, skr. cijèditi ‘seihen, sieben’{6} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?## arm. cʽtim ‘ritze mir (die Haut)’{8} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | jav. Opt. auua-hisiδiiāt̰ Yt. 8,54 ‘würde zerreißen’{10} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
English |
English | prescience | foresight, knowledge of events/actions before occurrence | n | AHD LRC |
English | prescient | foreknowing, re: prescience | adj | AHD LRC |
English | adscititious | derived/acquired extrinsically | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | blatherskite | blustering talkative fellow | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | chine | spine, backbone | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | conscience | sense/consciousness of moral goodness/blameworthiness | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | conscious | sharing another's knowledge/awareness of inward state/outward fact | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ecu | (old) French gold coin with shield | n | AHD LRC |
English | equip | to prepare, furnish for action/service | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | escudo | (former) Hispanic gold/silver coin | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | escutcheon | coat of arms | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | esquire | member of English gentry ranking below knight | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | exscind | to excise, cut off/out | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | gobshite | unpleasant person, nonsensical chatterer | n | AHD LRC |
English | nescience | ignorance, lack of knowledge/awareness | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | nice | wanton, dissolute | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | omniscient | having infinite insight/awareness/understanding | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | prescind | to detach for thought | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | rescind | to remove, take away | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | schism | division, separation | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | schist | brittle metamorphic crystalline rock | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | science | possession of knowledge vs. ignorance/misunderstanding | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | scilicet | namely, videlicet, to wit | adv | AHD W7 LRC |
English | sciolism | superficial show of learning | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | scission | schism, split/division in group/union | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | scudo | Italian gold coin | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | scutum | scute, bony/horny/chitinous plate | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | sheath | case for (e.g. knife) blade | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | sheave | grooved wheel/pulley of pulley block | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | shed, shed | to excise, segregate, set apart | vb.str | AHD W7 LRC |
English | shin | front part of vertebrate leg below knee | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ship | large seagoing boat | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | shipperke | small black tailless dog breed | n | AHD LRC |
English | shit | dung, feces, ordure, excrement | n | LRC |
English | shit | to defecate | vb | AHD W9 LRC |
English | shiv | knife | n | W7 LRC |
English | shive | cut, slice | n | IEW LRC |
English | shiver | small piece of broken thing | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | shyster | pettifogger, professionally unscrupulous person | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | skate | nag, thin decrepit/awkward-looking horse | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | skean | dirk, dagger | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ski | narrow strip of wood/metal used to glide over snow | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | skiff | small light sailing ship | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | skipper | master of ship | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | skite | offensive person | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | skive | to pare, cut off in thin layers/pieces | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | squire | knight's shield/armor-bearer | n | AHD W7 LRC |
Scots English | skate | contemptible person | n | W7 LRC |
Old English | scēadan, scādan | to shed, divide, separate | vb.str | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | scēaþ, scǣþ | sheath | n.fem | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | scinu | shin | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old English | scip | ship | n.neut | LRC |
Old English | scītan, scāt, sciton, sciten | to shit | vb.str | AHD ASD LRC |
Middle English | chine | chine | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | conscience | conscience | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | escochon | escutcheon | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | esquire | esquire | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | nice | foolish, wanton | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle English | science | science | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | scifra | chip, shiver | n | IEW LRC |
Middle English | scilicet | scilicet | adv | W7 LRC |
Middle English | scisme | schism | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | sheden | to shed | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | shethe | sheath | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | sheve | sheave | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | shine | shin | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | ship | ship | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | shiten | to shit | vb | W9 LRC |
Middle English | shiver | shiver | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | skipper | skipper | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | squier | squire | n | W7 LRC |
Celtic |
Irish | scian | edge, knife, dagger | n.fem | W7 IED LRC |
Scots Gaelic | sgian | knife | n.fem | W7 GE LRC |
West Germanic |
Old Frisian | skēda, skētha | to divide, decide | vb | ASD LRC |
Old Frisian | skip | ship | n | ASD LRC |
Middle Dutch | schip | ship | n | W7 LRC |
Middle Dutch | schipper | skipper | n | W7 LRC |
Middle Dutch | shiten | to shit | vb | W9 LRC |
Dutch | echtscheiding | divorce | n | TLL LRC |
Dutch | schip | ship | n | TLL LRC |
Old Saxon | skēdan, skēthan | to divide | vb | ASD LRC |
Old Saxon | skēðia | sheath | n | ASD LRC |
Old Saxon | skip | ship | n | ASD LRC |
Old Low German | scēthan, sceithan | to divide | vb | ASD LRC |
Middle Low German | shiten | to shit | vb | W9 LRC |
Old High German | sceida | sheath | n | W7 LRC |
Old High German | scina | shin(bone); needle | n | W7 LRC |
Old High German | scīzan, skīzzan | to shit | vb | W9 AHD LRC |
Old High German | skeidan, sceidan | to separate | vb | W7 ASD LRC |
Old High German | skif, scif | ship | n | W7 ASD LRC |
Old High German | skīt | stick of wood | n | W7 LRC |
German | scheiden | to divide, separate | vb | LRC |
German | Scheidung | divorce, separation | n.fem | TLL LRC |
German | Schiff | ship | n.neut | LRC |
North Germanic |
Old Norse | skip | ship, boat | n.neut | LRC |
Old Norse | skipa, skipað | to array, draw up; assign, put in order | vb | LRC |
Old Norse | skipta, skiptat | to share, divide, exchange; decide | vb | LRC |
Old Norse | skíð | wooden stave/block/tablet | n.neut | LRC |
Old Norse | skīfa | to slice | vb | W7 LRC |
Old Norse | skīta | to shit | vb | W9 LRC |
Old Norse | skīþ | ski, stick of wood | n | W7 LRC |
Icelandic | skeiðir | sheath | | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | skip | ship | n | ASD LRC |
Norwegian | ski | ski | n | W7 LRC |
Danish | skib | ship | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | skepp | ship | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | skida | sheath | n | TLL LRC |
East Germanic |
Gothic | skaidan | to divide | vb | ASD LRC |
Gothic | skip | ship | n.str.masc | LRC |
Italic |
Latin | adscitus | received | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | adsisco, adsciscere | to receive | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | consciens, conscientis | conscious, knowing | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | conscientia | joint knowledge, consciousness | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | conscio, conscire | to be conscious (of guilt) | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | conscius | conscious, knowing | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | exscindo, exscindere | to tear out, destroy | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | inscientia, inscientiae | ignorance | n.fem | LRC |
Latin | liceo, licēre | to be permitted | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | nesciens, nescientis | ignorant | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | nescio, nescīre | to not know | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | nescius | ignorant | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | praescindo, praescindere | to cut off in front | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | rescindo, rescindere | to annul | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | sciens, scientis | having knowledge | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | scientia | science | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | scilicet | surely, to wit | adv | W7 LRC |
Latin | scindo, scindere | to cut, split, tear | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | scio, scīre | to know | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | scisco, sciscere | to accept | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | scissus | split | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | scius | knowing | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | scutum, scuti | shield | n.neut | LRC |
Late Latin | nescientia | ignorance | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | schisma | schism, division | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | sciolus | smatterer | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | scissio, scissionis | act of splitting | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | scutarius | esquire, shield bearer | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | omniscientia | omniscience | n.fem | W7 LRC |
New Latin | omnisciens, omniscientis | all-knowing | adj | W7 LRC |
New Latin | scutum | shield | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Portuguese | escudo | shield | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Spanish | escudo | shield | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | conscience | conscience | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old French | écu | ecu | n | LRC |
Old French | esquier | squire, shield-bearer; knight | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | nice | ignorant | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle French | cisme | schism | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | escuchon | shield | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | esquier | squire | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | esquif | skiff | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | science | science | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | schiste | schist | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | scission | act of splitting | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Italian | scudo | shield | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Balto-Slavic |
Old Church Slavonic | čistъ | pure, clean | adj | LRC |
Hellenic |
Homeric Greek | σχίζω | to split, cleave | vb | LRC |
Greek | schisma | cleft, division | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Greek | schistos | that may be split | adj | W7 LRC |
Indo-Iranian |
Romani | chiv | shiv, blade | n | W7 LRC |