
five, fifth

Reflexes - Pokorny

Englishquincentenaryfifth centennial; re: 500 yearsnAHD LRC
Englishquinquagenarianperson in his/her fiftiesnAHD LRC
EnglishPentateuchfirst 5 books of Hebrew Bible, lit. five containersprop.nLRC
Englishcinquainfive-line stanzanAHD W7 LRC
Englishcinquefive (5)nbr.cardAHD W7 LRC
Englishfemto-one quadrillionthpfxAHD LRC
Englishfifty50nbr.cardAHD W7 LRC
Englishfin5-dollar billnAHD W7 LRC
Englishfingerany of hand's 5 terminating membersnAHD W7 LRC
Englishfive5nbr.cardAHD W7 LRC
Englishkenogame resembling lottonAHD W7 LRC
Englishpenstemonbeardtongue: flowering plant with many seedsnAHD LRC
Englishpenta-five (5)pfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishpentadfive (5)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishpentagonpolygon of five sides/anglesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpentameterverse containing 5 feetnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpentastichpoem/stanza with five linesnAHD LRC
Englishpentathlonathletic contest: 5 different eventsnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishPentecost50th day after Passover/Easterprop.nLRC
Englishpunchbeverage: wine/liquor, fruit juice, sugar, spices, tea/waternAHD W7 LRC
Englishquinatein groups of fiveadjAHD LRC
Englishquincunxfive-twelfths (5/12)nAHD W7 LRC
EnglishQuinquagesimaSunday 50 days (incl.) before Easter in Christian calendarprop.nLRC
Englishquinque-five (5)pfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishquintsequence of 5 cards in same suitnAHD W7 LRC
Englishquintainobject to be tilted atnAHD W7 LRC
Englishquintetmusical movement/composition for 5 voices/instrumentsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishquintileaspect of planets separated 72 degrees (1/5 of circle)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishquintillion1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (U.S.)nbr.cardAHD W7 LRC
Old Englishfīffive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Old Englishfīftafifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old Englishfīftigfifty (50)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Old Englishfingerfingern.mascW7 ASD LRC
Middle Englishcinkcinquenbr.cardW7 LRC
Middle Englishfiftyfifty (50)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Middle EnglishfingerfingernW7 LRC
Middle Englishfivefive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Middle Englishpenta-penta-pfxW7 LRC
Middle EnglishquintainequintainnW7 LRC
Old Irishcōicfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Old Irishcōicedfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Irishcúigfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Scots Gaeliccòigfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Manxqueigfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Cornishpempfive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Welshpimpfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Old Welshpimphetfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianfiffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Frisianfing(e)rfingern.mascASD LRC
FrisianfingerfingernASD LRC
Frisianfyffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Dutchvijffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Dutchvingerfingern.mascASD LRC
Old Saxonfīf, vīffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Saxonfingarfingern.mascASD LRC
Low Germanfive, fiwefive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old High Germanfiftofifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old High Germanfimf, finffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old High Germanfingarfingern.mascW7 ASD LRC
Middle High Germanfingerfingern.mascASD LRC
Middle High Germanvunf, vünffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
GermanFingerfingern.mascASD LRC
Germanfünffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Germanfünfzigfifty (50)nbr.cardLRC
Yiddishfinffive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
North Germanic
Old Norsefimmfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Old Norsefimmtānfifteen (15)nbr.cardAHD LRC
Old Norsefimtififth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Icelandicfingrfingern.mascASD LRC
Norwegianfemtenfifteen (15)nbr.cardAHD LRC
Danishfemfive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Danishfemtenfifteen (15)nbr.cardAHD LRC
Danishfingerfingern.mascASD LRC
Swedishfemfive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Swedishfingerfingern.mascASD LRC
East Germanic
Gothicfiggrsfingern.mascASD LRC
Gothicfi(m)ffive (5)nbr.cardASD LRC
Gothicfimfta-fifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Crimean Gothic*fynf, fyuffive (5)nbr.cardCGo EIE LRC
Latinpentameterpentametern.mascW7 LRC
Latinquincunx, quincuncisfive-twelfths (5/12)adjW7 LRC
Latinquinquāgēsimatax of the fiftiethn.femW7 LRC
LatinquinquagesimusfiftiethadjW7 LRC
Latinquinquagintafifty (50)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Latinquīnquefive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Latinquintanastreet in Roman camp (separating 5th maniple from 6th) used for military exercisesn.femW7 LRC
Latinquintanusfifth in rankadjW7 LRC
LatinQuintilisfifth month (in old Roman calendar)prop.nLRC
Latinquīntusfifth (5th)adjW7 LRC
Middle Frenchcinqfive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Middle Frenchquintainestreet in Roman camp used for exercisen.femW7 LRC
Frenchcinqfive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Frenchquineset of 5 winning lottery numbersn.femW7 LRC
FrenchquintfifthadjW7 LRC
Frenchquintegroup of 5n.femW7 LRC
Frenchquintettequintet, band with 5 instrumentsn.mascW7 LRC
Italianquintettoquintet, party of 5 personsn.mascW7 LRC
ItalianquintofifthadjW7 LRC
Old Prussianpiēnctsfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Lithuanianpenkì, peñkiosfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Lithuanianpeñktasfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Latvianpìektaisfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Russianpjatĭfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Russianpjátyjfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old Church Slavonicpętŭfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old Church Slavonicpętьfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Albanianpesëfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Albanianpestëfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Ghegpêsëfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Aeolicπέμπεfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Homeric Greekπέντεfive (5)nbr.cardLRC
Homeric Greekπεντήκονταfifty (50)nbr.cardLRC
Greekπέμπτοςfifth (5th)adjLRC
Greekpentagōnonpentagonn.neutW7 LRC
GreekpentagōnospentagonaladjW7 LRC
Greekpentathlonpentathlonn.neutW7 LRC
Greekpentametroshaving five metrical feetadjW7 LRC
Greekpentasgroup of fiven.femW7 LRC
Armenianhingfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Avestanpančafive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Avestanpuxδa-fifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Sanskritpakthá-fifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Sanskritpaṅkti-group of fivenEIE LRC
Sanskritpáñcafive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Hindipācfive (5)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Tocharian Bpiṅktefifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Tocharian Bpiśfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Tocharian Apäñfive (5)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Tocharian Apäntfifth (5th)nbr.ordEIE LRC