Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
NYI | [arm. ełew ‘wurde, war’{3} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | arm. linim ‘werde’{24} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [gr. ἔπλετο ‘wurde, fand statt, war’{4}, Akt. ἔπλεν Il. 12,11 ‘war’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [gr. περι-τέλλομαι ‘bewege mich im Kreise’, (Pi.+) τέλλομαι ‘entstehe, werde’, kret. τέλλω ‘besorge, verrichte, führe durch’{8} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. hom. (äol.)+ πέλομαι, seltener πέλω ‘bewege mich, befinde mich, werde, bin’, kret. τέλομαι ‘werde sein’{15} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. τελέθω ‘bin da, trete in Erscheinung’{18} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. πολέω Hes. ‘wende (Erde) um, pflüge um’, att. poet. ‘bewege mich umher, halte mich auf’, hom. πυρ-πολέω ‘unterhalte ein Feuer’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. πωλέομαι ‘komme/gehe häufig wohin’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. ἔτειλαν Pi. ‘legten (den Weg) zurück’{23} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [lat. coluī ‘habe bebaut, bewohnt, versorgt’{5} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lat. colō, -ere ‘bebauen; (be)wohnen; versorgen, pflegen, verehren’{15a}; umbr. ař-peltu ‘circumito’{16} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?toch.B śala, A śäl ‘führte, brachte’{6} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?toch.A Präs. VI källāṣ ‘führt, bringt’{11}, [toch.B Präs. X källāṣṣäṃ ‘führt, bringt’{12} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[toch. Konj. B kālaṃ, A klāṣä ‘wird bringen’{19} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [alb. ageg. cleh /kl'e/, atosk. clè /kl'e/ ‘wurde’{7} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [alb. p‘r-kul ‘biegt, krümmt’{13} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | alb. sjell ‘bringe, trage; drehe um, wende; verzögere’{17} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?alb. qell ‘bringe, trage; halte jmdn. auf’{21} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | kymr. pall- ‘zu Ende kommen, aufhören, mißlingen; zurückweisen’{9}, [air. do:air-chella ‘umgibt, faßt ein’{10} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. cárati ‘bewegt sich, wandelt, geht’{14} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. (AV) cacā́ra ‘ist dahingewandelt, ist gegangen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [ved. (YV) cāráyati ‘setzt in Bewegung’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. (AV) carcariti ‘wandelt hin und her’, [(RV) carcūryámāṇa- | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. acāriṣam ‘bin dahingewandelt, bin gegangen’{22} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | aav. caraiti, jav. caraiti ‘bewegt sich, wandelt, hält sich auf’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[jav. kāraiieiti ‘furcht (eine Furche)’{20}; [nur. waigali caräy- ‘Vieh hüten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | kluw. kuwaliti tr. ‘dreht’, Ipv. 3p kuwalaindu, ?lyk. teliχa ‘ich drehte’{19a} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
Italic |
Latin | aviscultura | aviculture | n | CDC LRC |
Latin | ancilla | handmaid, maid-servant | n.dim.fem | AHD ELD LRC |
Latin | anculus | servant | n.masc | AHD LRC |
Latin | bucolicus | bucolic | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | -cola | inhabitant | n.sfx | W7 LRC |
Latin | collum | neck | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | colō, colere, coluī, cultum | to till, inhabit, cultivate | vb | RPN LRC |
Latin | colonia | colony | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | colonus, coloni | farmer, settler | n.masc | LRC |
Latin | colus | distaff | n | RPN LRC |
Latin | decollo, decollare, decollavi, decollatus | to behead | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | incola | inhabitant | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Latin | incultus | unrefined, not cultivated | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | inquilinus | tenant, lodger | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Latin | polus | pole, stake | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Latin | silvicola | inhabitant of a wood | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Vulgar Latin | accolo, accollāre | to be a neighbor | vb | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | cyclus | circle | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | encyclicus | circular, general | adj | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | epicyclus | epicycle | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | cultivo, cultivare, cultivavi, cultivatus | to cultivate | vb | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | cultivus | cultivable | adj | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | machicolo, machicolare, machicolavi, machicolatus | to furnish with machicolations | vb | W7 LRC |
New Latin | cyclosis | streaming of protoplasm within cell | n.fem | W7 LRC |
New Latin | palingenesis | second birth, in same/different body | n.fem | W7 LRC |
New Latin | telium | telium | n.neut | W7 LRC |
New Latin | torticollis | stiffness in neck | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | col | collar, neck | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | coler | collar | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | colet | collar | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | machicoleis | machicolation | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | machicoller | to machicolate | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | col | collar, neck | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | collet | collar, trap | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | colonie | colony | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Middle French | hauberc | hauberk | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | haubergeon | habergeon | n.masc.dim | W7 LRC |
Middle French | poulie | pulley | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | accolade | embrace | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | accoler | to embrace, stick with | vb | W7 LRC |
French | bicycle | bicycle | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | bicyclette | bicycle | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | calèche | carriage | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | col | collar, col (of mountain) | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | collet | collar | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | cueillette | act of gathering | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | culte | cult | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | -cycle | re: presence of wheels in device | sfx | W7 LRC |
French | cycle | cycle | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | cycloïde | cycloid, shaped like a circle | adj | W7 LRC |
French | décolleté | neckline | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | décolleter | to give low neckline to dress/shirt | vb | W7 LRC |
French | tricycle | tricycle | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Celtic |
Old Irish | cul | wagon | n | LRC |
English |
Old English | healsbeorg, healsbeorh | neck armor | n.fem | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | hweogol, hwēol | wheel | n.neut | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | hweogul, hweowol, hweohl | wheel | n.neut | ASD LRC |
Middle English | coler | collar | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | colonie | colony | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | epicicle | epicycle | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | halse | hawse | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | haubergeoun | habergeon | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | hauberk | hauberk | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pool | pole | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | pouley | pulley | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | wheel | wheel | n | W7 LRC |
English | accolade | ceremonial embrace | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ancillary | auxiliary, subordinate | adj | AHD LRC |
English | aviculture | raising/care of birds, esp. wild birds in captivity | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | bicycle | vehicle with 2 wheels in tandem | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | bucolic | pastoral, re: shepherds/herdsmen | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | calash | light 4-passenger carriage with small wheels | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cha(c)kra | center of spiritual energy (yoga philosophy) | n | AHD LRC |
English | chark(h)a | spinning wheel for cotton | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | chukker | playing period of polo game | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | col | pass in mountain range | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | collar | band/strip/chain worn around neck | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | collet | metal band/collar/ferrule/flange | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | colony | people living in new territory (retaining ties with parent state) | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | -colous | living/growing in/on | adj.sfx | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cullet | broken/refuse glass used to facilitate melting in glass-making | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cult | worship, formal religious veneration | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cultivate | to till, prepare and use for crop raising | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | culture | tillage, cultivation | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cycle | time interval during which sequence of events is completed | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cycloid | curve generated by point on circumference of circle rolling along straight line | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cyclone | wind/storm system rotating around area of low atmospheric pressure | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cyclorama | large pictorial representation encircling spectator | n | W7 LRC |
English | cyclosis | streaming of protoplasm within cell | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | decollate | to behead | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | decollete | re: strapless/low-necked dress | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | encyclical | general, addressed to all individuals in group | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | epicycle | path in which planet moves among stars | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | habergeon | medieval mail jacket (shorter than hauberk) | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | hauberk | tunic of chain mail | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | hawse | hole for cable in bow of ship | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | hemicycle | semi-circular legislative debate chamber | n | TLL LRC |
English | incult | wild, untilled | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | inquiline | animal living habitually in nest/abode of another species | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | kolache, kolacky | sweet bread bun with fruit filling | n | AHD LRC |
English | Kultur | culture, civilization | prop.n | AHD LRC |
English | machicolate | to provide/furnish machicolation | vb.trans | AHD LRC |
English | machicolation | openings for firing upon assailants | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | mariculture | cultivation of marine organisms | n | AHD LRC |
English | palingenesis | metempsychosis | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | palinode | ode/song of recant/retraction | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pole | extremity of axis of sphere (esp. earth's axis) | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pratincole | limicoline bird | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pulley | sheave/small wheel with grooved rim for rope/cable | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ringhals | spitting cobra | n | AHD LRC |
English | saxicolous | inhabiting/growing among rocks | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | silvicolous | living in woodlands | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | talisman | object marked to confer supernatural power/protection | n | AHD LRC |
English | teleutospore | teliospore | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | telic | purposive, tending toward end | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | teliospore | final stage in life cycle of rust fungus | n | W7 LRC |
English | telium | teliospore-containing sorus/pustule on host plant of rust fungus | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | telos | end of goal-oriented process | n | AHD LRC |
English | torticollis | twisting of neck resulting in abnormal carriage of head | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | tricycle | 3-wheeled vehicle | n | LRC |
English | wheel | hard circular frame that rotates on axle | n | AHD W7 LRC |
West Germanic |
Middle Dutch | hals | neck | n | AHD LRC |
Dutch | wiel | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Middle Low German | wēl | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Old High German | hals | neck | n | W7 LRC |
Old High German | hals-pirc, hals-perg | gorget, neck armor | n | ASD LRC |
German | Hals | neck | n.masc | LRC |
German | Kalesche | calash | n.fem | W7 LRC |
North Germanic |
Old Norse | hals | neck, hawse | n | W7 LRC |
Old Icelandic | hjól | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Old Icelandic | hvél | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Icelandic | hāls-björg | gorget | n | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | hvel, hjól | wheel | n | ASD LRC |
Danish | cykle | bicycle | n | TLL LRC |
Danish | hals | neck | n | TLL LRC |
Danish | hjul | wheel | n | ASD LRC |
Swedish | cykel | bicycle | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | hals | neck | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | hjul | wheel | n | ASD LRC |
East Germanic |
Gothic | hals | neck | n | LRC |
Balto-Slavic |
Lithuanian | kãklas | neck | n | RPN LRC |
Latvian | celis | knee | n | LRC |
Russian | koleso | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Czech | kolače | kolache, wheel-shaped cake | | AHD LRC |
Czech | kolesa | wheels, carriage | | W7 LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | kolač | wheel | n | AHD LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | koleno | knee | n | LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | kolo | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Paleo-Balkan |
Albanian | kulturor | cultural, re: enlightenment | adj | LRC |
Albanian | sjell | to turn | vb | RPN LRC |
Hellenic |
Homeric Greek | πέλομαι | to be; to move? | vb | RPN LRC |
Homeric Greek | πέλω | to be; to move? | vb | RPN LRC |
Greek | ἀνατέλλω | to rise | vb | LRC |
Greek | boukolikos | pastoral | adj | W7 LRC |
Greek | boukolos | cowherd | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Greek | enkyklios | circular, general | adj | W7 LRC |
Greek | ἐντέλλω | to command | vb | LRC |
Greek | epikyklos | coming around | adj | W7 LRC |
Greek | ἐχανατέλλω | to spring up | vb | LRC |
Greek | -kolos | herd | afx | W7 LRC |
Greek | kykloeidēs | circular | adj | W7 LRC |
Greek | κύκλος | round; ring, wheel, circle | adj | RPN LRC |
Greek | kykloun | to go around | vb | W7 LRC |
Greek | κύκλῳ | around, in a ring/circle | adv | RPN LRC |
Greek | kyklōma | wheel, coil | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Greek | kyklōsis | encirclement | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Greek | πάλιν | anew, again | adv | LRC |
Greek | palinōidia | palinode | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Greek | πολεύω | to turn about, go about | vb | RPN LRC |
Greek | πολέω | to revolve, go about, range over; turn up soil with plow | vb | RPN LRC |
Greek | πόλος | pole, axis; hinge, pivot | n.masc | RPN LRC |
Greek | συντελέω | to complete | vb | LRC |
Greek | τέλειον | fulfilled, perfect | n.neut | LRC |
Greek | τέλειος | complete, finished, at an end | adj | RPN LRC |
Greek | τελείω | to fulfill, complete | vb | LRC |
Greek | τελευταῖος | last | adj | RPN LRC |
Greek | τελευτάω | to complete, finish, achieve | vb | RPN LRC |
Greek | τελευτέω | to die, finish | vb | LRC |
Greek | τελευτή | end, completion | n.fem | RPN LRC |
Greek | τελέως | at last | adv | RPN LRC |
Greek | τελήεις | perfect, complete | adj | RPN LRC |
Greek | τέλος | end, fulfillment, completion | n.neut | RPN LRC |
Armenian |
Armenian | sjel | to turn around | vb | LRC |
Indo-Iranian |
Avestan | carāiti | to go, move | vb | RPN LRC |
Avestan | caxra- | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Avestan | karšu | furrow | n | LRC |
Sanskrit | cakrá-ḥ | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Sanskrit | calati, cárati | to move, walk, wander | vb | RPN LRC |
Pali | cakka- | wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Hindi | cakkar | circular course | n | W7 LRC |
Hindi | carkha | charkha | n | W7 LRC |
Hindi | cāk | millstone, kind of wheel | n | RPN LRC |
Tocharian |
Tocharian B | klautk- | to turn, become | vb | RPN LRC |
Tocharian B | klutk- | to turn | vb | RPN LRC |
Tocharian B | kokale | cart, wagon, chariot | n | RPN LRC |
Tocharian A | kukäl | cart, wagon, chariot | n | RPN LRC |