kau-l-, ku-l-

hole, hollow; bone

Cross References - Pokorny

2. keu-, keu̯ə-

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old English*hol-bȳtlahole-buildern.mascLRC
Old Englishcālcole, wild cole-wortn.mascW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishholhollow; hole, den, cavernadjGED ASD LRC
Old Englishholaholen.mascASD LRC
Old Englishholc, holg, holhhole, hollow, cavityn.neutASD LRC
Englishgentlehobbitnoble/gentle hobbit in Tolkien: The Lord of the RingsnLRC
Englishhobbithalfling in Tolkien: The Hobbit, The Lord of the RingsnLRC
EnglishHolbytlaa.k.a. hobbit in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishcauliflowergarden plantnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishCrickhollowShire locale in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishcolerape, herbaceous plantnW7 LRC
Englishcoleslawsalad of raw cabbagenW7 LRC
Englishholeopening into/through somethingnW7 LRC
EnglishHolfasthobbit in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishhollowsunken, concave; cavityadjW7 LRC
EnglishHolmanhobbit name in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishlockholehobbit lock-up in Tolkien: The Lord of the RingsnLRC
Middle EnglishcolecolenW7 LRC
Middle Englishholhhole, dennW7 LRC
Middle EnglishholwhollowadjW7 LRC
Italiancabolfiorecauliflowern.mascW7 LRC
Latincaulis, cōlisstem, stalk; penisn.mascGED LRC
Middle IrishcuaillepostnGED LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianholhollow; hole, cavityadjGED LRC
Old Dutchholhole, den, hollow, cavernnASD LRC
DutchbloemkoolcauliflowernTLL LRC
Dutchkoolcole, cabbagenTLL LRC
Dutchkoolslacoleslaw, lit. cabbage saladnW7 LRC
Old Saxonkôlcole, cabbagenKSW LRC
Middle Low Germanholhollow; hole, cavityadjGED LRC
Old High Germanholhollow; hole, cavityadjGED LRC
Old High GermanholiholenASD LRC
Old High Germankōl, kōlo, kōlicabbagen.mascKDW LRC
GermanBlumenkohlcauliflowernTLL LRC
GermanhohlhollowadjASD LRC
GermanHöhleholenASD LRC
GermanKohlcabbagenTLL LRC
North Germanic
Old NorseholrhollowadjGED LRC
Old Icelandichylrdepression, deep placen.mascGED LRC
Icelandicholhole, den, hollow, cavernnASD LRC
IcelandicholaholenASD LRC
IcelandicholrhollowadjASD LRC
DanishblomkaalcauliflowernTLL LRC
Danishkaalcole, cabbagenTLL LRC
SwedishblomkålcauliflowernTLL LRC
Swedishkålcole, cabbagenTLL LRC
East Germanic
GothichulundicavernnASD LRC
Gothic*us-hulonto hollow outvb.wk.IIIEW GED LRC
Old Prussiankaulanbonen.accGED LRC
Lithuaniankáulasbonen.mascIEW GED LRC
Latviankaũlsbone; stemnGED LRC
Greekκαυλόςstem, stalk; shaftn.mascGED LRC
Sanskritkulyā́brook, ditchnGED LRC