ambʰi, m̥bʰi

around, at both sides

Cross References - Pokorny

ebʰi? : obʰi : bʰiopi

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old Irishimb-aboutadvGED LRC
Gaulishamb-aboutadvGED LRC
Old Englishbā, būbothadjGED LRC
Old Englishbe, bi, bīby, concerningadvRPN LRC
Old EnglishbēgenbothadjGED LRC
Old Englishymbe, ymb-at, aroundadvLRC
Middle EnglishalleyalleynW7 LRC
Middle Englishambidexterdouble-dealernAHD LRC
Middle Englishamblento amblevbAHD LRC
Middle EnglishamisamicenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishamphibenaamphisbaenanAHD LRC
Middle EnglishamphitheatreamphitheaternAHD LRC
Middle EnglishamphoraamphoranAHD LRC
Middle Englishba, bobothadjCDC LRC
Middle Englishbe-be-pfxW7 LRC
Middle Englishbotoo, as welladvMEV LRC
Middle Englishboth(e), boþ(e), bath(e), boothbothadjW7 MEV CDC LRC
Middle Englishby, bi, be(o)byadvW7 MEV LRC
Middle EnglishpreamblepreamblenW7 LRC
Englishalleynarrow backstreetnAHD W7 LRC
Englishambi-around, on both sidespfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishambidextroususing either hand with equal easeadjAHD LRC
Englishambientencompassing, surrounding on all sidesadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishambiguousunclear, doubtful, equivocaladjAHD LRC
Englishambivalencesimultaneous attraction/repulsionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishambleto stroll, saunter, walk slowlyvb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishambsacebad luck; snake eyes (dice)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishambulancevehicle for treating the injurednAHD W7 LRC
Englishambulateto move from place to placevb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishambulatoryre: walkingadjLRC
Englishamiceliturgical vestment worn about neck/shoulders under albnAHD W7 LRC
Englishamph(i)-around, on both sidespfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishamphibianamphibious organismnAHD W7 LRC
Englishamphibiousadapted to both land and wateradjTLL LRC
EnglishamphibolehornblendenAHD W7 LRC
Englishamphibrachmetrical foot: short/unstressed + long/stressed + short/unstressed syllablesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishamphimacermetrical foot: long/stressed + short/unstressed + long/stressed syllablesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishamphimixisgerm cell union in sexual reproductionnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishamphioxuslanceletnAHD LRC
Englishamphisbaenaserpent with head at each end able to move in either direction (classical mythology)nAHD LRC
Englishamphistylarhaving columns on opposite sidesadjAHD LRC
Englishamphitheateroval/circular space/building/arena overlooking stage/platformnW7 LRC
Englishamphitheciumouter cell layer of spore-containing moss capsulenAHD LRC
Englishamphoratwo-handled jar/vase with narrow necknAHD LRC
Englishamphotericsubstance acting as both acid and baseadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishamplexicaulwith base/stipules clasping stemadjAHD LRC
Englishamputateto prune, cut/lop offvb.transAHD LRC
Englishandantemoderately slow (musical direction)adjAHD W7 LRC
Englishbe-[participial marker]pfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishbothtwo, one and anotheradjAHD W7 LRC
Englishbyat, through, next/near toprepAHD W7 LRC
EnglishBywaterShire village in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishfunambulisttightrope walkernAHD W7 LRC
Englishombudsmanone who investigates complaints and mediates settlementsnAHD LRC
Englishperambulateto stroll, traversevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishpreambleopening statementnAHD W7 LRC
Englishumlautchange of vowel soundnAHD W7 LRC
British EnglishamphitheatreamphitheaternLRC
Scots EnglishbaithbothadjCDC LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianbe, bibyprepASD LRC
Old FrisianbēdebothadjCDC LRC
Old FrisianbēthebothadjGED LRC
Old Frisianumbeby, aboutprepASD LRC
Middle DutchbedebothadjASD LRC
DutchbeidebothadjASD LRC
DutchbijbesideprepTLL LRC
DutchbybyprepASD LRC
DutchomafterprepTLL LRC
DutchomdatbecauseconjTLL LRC
Dutchvoorbijpast, beyondprepTLL LRC
Old Saxonbe, bibyprepASD LRC
Old Saxonbēþia, bēdeabothadjGED ASD LRC
Old SaxonbēþiebothadjCDC LRC
Old Saxonumbiby, aboutprepASD LRC
Low GermanbeedebothadjASD LRC
Old High Germanbēde, beidebothadjGED LRC
Old High Germanbi, piby, concerningadvRPN ASD LRC
Old High Germanumbi, umpiby, aboutprepGED ASD LRC
Middle High GermanbeidebothadjCDC LRC
Middle High GermanbibyprepASD LRC
GermanAlleealley, parkway, avenuen.femLRC
GermanAmbivalenzambivalencen.femAHD LRC
GermanAmbulanzambulance, acute day wardn.femLRC
GermanbeibyprepASD LRC
GermanbeidebothadjASD LRC
GermanbisuntilprepTLL LRC
Germanumat, about, aroundprepTLL LRC
GermanUmlautumlautn.mascW7 LRC
Germanvorbeipast, beyondadvTLL LRC
North Germanic
Old Norsebāðar, bæðibothadjASD LRC
Old NorsebāðirbothadjGED LRC
IcelandicbāðarbothadjCDC LRC
IcelandicbāðirbothadjCDC LRC
Icelandicbæði, bāðibothadjCDC LRC
Icelandicum(b)by, aboutprepASD LRC
DanishbaadebothadjASD LRC
Danishforbipast, beyondprepTLL LRC
Danishomin, at, about; whetherprepTLL LRC
SwedishbådabothadjCDC LRC
SwedishbådebothadjASD LRC
Swedishförbipast, beyondprepTLL LRC
Swedishomin, at, about; if, whetherprepTLL LRC
East Germanic
GothicbaibothadjGED RPN LRC
Gothicbajōþsbothn.plCDC LRC
Gothicbiby, concerningprepLRC
Latinamb(i)-around, on both sidespfxGED LRC
Latinambigo, ambigereto go round/aboutvbAHD CLD LRC
LatinambiguusambiguousadjAHD LRC
Latinambōbothpron.duGED RPN LRC
Latinambulo, ambulāre, ambulatusto walkvbW7 LRC
Latinamicio, amicīre, amicuī, amictusto wrap aroundvbW7 LRC
Latinamictus, amictūscloak, outer garmentn.mascW7 LRC
Latinamictusclad, thrown aroundadjW7 LRC
Latinamphisbaenaamphisbaenan.femW7 LRC
LatinamphitheātrumamphitheaternAHD LRC
LatinamphoraamphoranAHD LRC
Latin-bus[case ending]datRPN LRC
Latinfunambulusone who walks on a ropen.mascW7 LRC
Latinperambulo, perambulare, perambulatusto walk throughvbW7 LRC
Late Latinpraeambuluswalking in front ofadjW7 LRC
Medieval Latinpreambulumpreamblen.neutW7 LRC
New LatinAmphibia(class name for) amphibiansprop.nAHD LRC
Old Frenchaleepath, alleyn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchalerto govbW7 LRC
Old FrenchambesbothpronW7 LRC
Old Frenchamblerto amblevbAHD LRC
Old Frenchambsacethe lowest throw at dice, something worthless or unluckyn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchamit, amiscloak, amicenAHD LRC
Middle Frenchalléepath, alleyn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchamitcloak, amicen.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchpréambulepreamble, forewordn.mascW7 LRC
Frenchambulanceambulancen.femW7 LRC
Frenchambulantwalking, able to walkadjW7 LRC
Italianandantegoing, current, moderately slowvb.ptcW7 LRC
Italianandareto govbW7 LRC
Old PrussianabbaibothpronGED LRC
LithuanianabùbothpronGED LRC
LatvianabibothpronGED LRC
Old Church Slavonicoba, obě, oběbothadjLRC
Old Church SlavonicobabothpronGED LRC
Albanianmbion, ontoprepIEW LRC
Homeric Greekἀμφότεροςboth, each of twopronLRC
Homeric Greekἄμφωbothpron.duGED LRC
Greekἀμφί, ἀμφ-around, on both sidesadvGED LRC
Greekamphibiosamphibious, living double lifeadjAHD LRC
GreekamphitheatronamphitheaternAHD LRC
Greekἄμφωbothpron.duRPN LRC
Greek-φ(ι)around, on both sidesloc.sfxRPN LRC
Sanskritabhí, abhi-to, towards, aboutadvGED RPN LRC
Sanskritubhaubothpron.duGED RPN LRC
Sanskrit-bhis[case ending]inst.plRPN LRC
Sanskrit-bhyas[case ending]datRPN LRC
Sanskrit-bhyām[case ending]instRPN LRC
Tocharian Bant-apibothpronGED LRC
Tocharian AāmpibothpronGED LRC