
to show, watch out for

Reflexes - Pokorny

North Germanic
Old Icelandickōpastaring, gawkingTBDIEW UKY GPT
Anglo-Saxoncǣpanobserve, look out for, provide for, protectTBDIEW UKY GPT
Anglo-Saxoncapian upto look upTBDIEW UKY GPT
West Germanic
Old Saxonupcapento stand outTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle Low Germankapengawking, lookingTBDIEW UKY GPT
Middle High Germankaffengawking, lookingTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old High Germankapfēnlook, spyTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old High GermankapfLocation from which one looks, summit.TBDIEW UKY GPT
Old High Germanūfkepfento look up/ to raise one's eyesTBDIEW UKY GPT
RussianzabotaWorry/ConcernTBDIEW UKY GPT
Russianzabotitь śato worry, to be concernedTBDIEW UKY GPT