2. erə-, rē-

to rest, be still

Cross References - Pokorny

4. rē-

Reflexes - Pokorny

EnglishZugunruhemigratory drive in animalsprop.nAHD LRC
Englishrestsleep, reposenW7 LRC
Englishrestto sleep, cease from toilvbW7 LRC
Englishunrestturmoil, disturbed/uneasy statenW7 LRC
Old Englishærn, ræn, ren, ernhouse, dwellingn.neutGED ASD LRC
Old Englishræsnbeam, boardn.neutGED LRC
Old Englishrestrest, quiet, freedom from toiln.femLRC
Old Englishrestanto rest, reposevb.wkASD LRC
Middle EnglishrestrestnW7 LRC
Middle Englishrestento rest, reposevbLRC
West Germanic
GermanZugunruheZugunruhen.femAHD LRC
Old High Germanrasta, restirestnW7 ASD LRC
Old High Germanrestanto restvbASD LRC
Old High Germanruowarest, calmnW7 LRC
Old High GermanunruowaunrestnAHD LRC
Middle High GermanruowerestnAHD LRC
Middle High GermanunruoweunrestnAHD LRC
Germanrastento restvbLRC
GermanRuherest, calm, peace, quiet, stillnessn.femLRC
GermanUnruheunrest, disturbancen.femLRC
Old Frisianfīa-ernanimal barnnGED LRC
Old Frisianrestato restvbASD LRC
Old Saxonresta, rastacouch, resting placenASD LRC
Old Saxonrestianto restvbASD LRC
North Germanic
Old NorsegrendneighborhoodnKNW LRC
Old Icelandicgranni, grannaneighborn.mascGED LRC
Old Icelandicrannhouse, dwellingn.neutGED LRC
IcelandicrannhousenASD LRC
Icelandicröststage (in journey)nASD LRC
SwedishgrändlanenSAO LRC
Swedishroato rest; amuse oneselfvbTLL LRC
East Germanic
Gothic*ga-raznaneighborn.mascGED LRC
Gothic*ga-raznoneighborn.femGED LRC
GothicrastamilenASD LRC
Gothicrazninn, house, lodgingn.neutGED LRC
Greekἐρωήrest, respiten.femLRC