
to burn

Reflexes - Liv

NYI?[kymr. blyng- ‘zornig werden’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lit. blunkù, (blùkti) ‘fahl werden, verblassen’NYI..LIV TOL

Cross References - Pokorny

1. bʰlēu- : bʰləu- : bʰlū-bʰlē-u̯o-s

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old Englishbǣlflame, funeral pyren.neutW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishblȳsa, blisaflame, torchn.wk.mascW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishblyscan, bliscanto blushvbW7 CDC LRC
Old English*blysianto blushvbCDC LRC
Middle Englishblus(s)hen, blyschento blushvbW7 CDC LRC
Englishblushlook, glance, glimpse; reddening of facenOED LRC
Englishblushto glow, redden (e.g. in face)vb.intransAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Middle Dutchblosento blushvbCDC LRC
Dutchblozento blushvbCDC LRC
Middle Low Germanblos(ch)ento blushvbCDC LRC
Middle Low GermanblusflamenCDC LRC
Low Germanbleusterento glow, inflame, become redvbOED LRC
Low GermanblüseflamenCDC LRC
Low Germanblüsento set on firevbCDC LRC
Low Germanblüskento blushvbCDC LRC
Old High Germanbluhhento burn brightlyvbW7 LRC
North Germanic
Old Norsebālflame, funeral pyren.neutASD LRC
Old Norseblystorch, flame, blazen.neutOED LRC
DanishblustorchnCDC LRC
Danishblusseto blaze, blushvbCDC LRC
SwedishblosstorchnCDC LRC
Swedishblossato blazevbCDC LRC