Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
NYI | ved. Akt. Ipv. 2d voḷhám, Med. 3s Opt. uhita, Ptz. úhāna- ‘bringen, fahren’{2} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. váhati ‘weht, fließt; fährt’{6} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [ved. ū́hati ‘schiebt, rückt’{7} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. ávāṭ ‘hat/ist gefahren’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?ved. (Br.) vāhayati ‘läßt fahren’{9} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. uvāha ‘hat/ist gefahren’{11} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | jav. vazaiti ‘fährt; fließt, treibt’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | jav. Konj. uz-uuažat̰ ‘wird herausholen’{3} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | jav. vaoze ‘hat für sich hergebracht’{12} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. pamphyl. ϝεχέτω ‘soll bringen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. kypr. ἔϝεξε ‘brachte’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. ὀχέομαι ‘fahre’{10} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lat. uehō, -ere ‘fahren’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lat. uēxī ‘fuhr’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | an. (+) vega ‘bewegen, wägen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | got. (+) -wagjan ‘schütteln, bewegen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | an. (+) vá, ahd. wag ‘bewegte, wog’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lit. vežù, (vèžti) ‘fahren’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | aksl. (+) vezǫ, (vesti) ‘fahren’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ksl. otъ-věsta ‘fuhren ab’{4} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ksl. vožǫ, voziti ‘fahren’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | alb. vjedh ‘stiehlt’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [toch.B /wask-/, A wāsk- ‘sich rühren, zucken’{8} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
English |
English | ochlophobia | abnormal fear of crowds | n | AHD LRC |
English | waybread | bread for journey in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | n | LRC |
English | viaduct | bridge (on series of narrow arches) | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | thalweg | line tracing lowest points in valley/river bed | n | AHD LRC |
English | Greenway | road through Bree in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | prop.n | LRC |
English | Waymeet | Shire village in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | prop.n | LRC |
English | wayfarer | traveler | n | AHD LRC |
English | wayfaring | traveling | adj | AHD LRC |
English | Stonewain | narrow valley in Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings | prop.n | LRC |
English | advection | horizontal movement of air mass | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | always | invariably, at all times | adv | AHD W7 LRC |
English | away | gone, absent; along, on the way | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | convection | action/process of conveying | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | convex | curved/rounded like exterior of sphere/circle | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | convey | to lead, conduct | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | convoy | to guide, accompany | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | deviate | to turn aside | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | devious | remote, located off easiest path | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | earwig | insect with large pair of forceps | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | envoi | explanatory/commendatory concluding remarks | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | envoy | foreign minister plenipotentiary | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | evection | perturbation of moon's orbit due to sun's gravitation | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | graywacke | coarse dark gray sandstone/fine-grained conglomerate | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | invective | denunciatory, re: insult/abuse | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | inveigh | to rail, protest/complain bitterly/vehemently | vb.intrans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | invoice | bill, itemized list of goods sold | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | Norwegian | person/language of Norway | prop.n | LRC |
English | obviate | to make unnecessary, see/dispose of beforehand | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | obvious | opposite, being in way/in front | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ochlocracy | government by mob | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ogee | S-shaped molding | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ogive | diagonal rib/arch across Gothic vault | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pervious | permeable, admitting passage | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | previous | preceding, going before in time/order | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | trivial | commonplace, ordinary | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | trivium | three liberal arts: grammar, rhetoric, logic | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | vector | quantity comprising direction and magnitude | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | vehement | strong, re: exertion of great force/energy | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | vehicle | means of transport | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | vex | to bring trouble/distress/agitation to | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | via | by way of | prep | AHD W7 LRC |
English | viatical | re: way, road, journey | adj | AHD LRC |
English | vogue | leading place in acceptance/popularity | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | voyage | journey, act/instance of traveling | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | wag | to stir, be in motion | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | wagon | 4-wheeled vehicle for bulky item transport | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | wagon-lit | (railroad) sleeping car | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | wain | large/heavy wagon for farm use | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | way | thoroughfare for travel/transportation | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | wee | little, very small | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | weigh | to measure mass/weight (via scale/balance) | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
English | weight | amount that thing weighs | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | wiggle | to jiggle, move to/fro with quick jerky/shaking motion | vb | AHD W7 LRC |
Old English | aweg | out, away | adv | ASD LRC |
Old English | ēar-wicga | earwig | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old English | wǣg | wave, billow | n.masc | LRC |
Old English | wǣge | weight; scale, balance | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old English | wæg-līðend | lit. wave-traveler | n.masc | LRC |
Old English | wæg-þel | ship, lit. wave-planking | n.neut | LRC |
Old English | wǣn, wæg(e)n | wain, wagon | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old English | weg | way | n.masc | LRC |
Old English | wegan | to weigh, move, bring, carry | vb | W7 LRC |
Old English | wicga | (kind of) insect | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old English | wiht | weight | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old English | wōh | bent, crooked | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle English | alway(es) | always | adv | W7 LRC |
Middle English | away | away | adv | AHD LRC |
Middle English | conveyen | to convey | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | convoyen | to convoy | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | erwigge | earwig | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | invectif | invective | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | vexen | to vex | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | voyage | voyage | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | waggen | to wag | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | wain | wain | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | -way | -ways | adv.sfx | W7 LRC |
Middle English | we | wee; little bit | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle English | weght | weight | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | weyen | to weigh | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle English | wiglen | to wiggle | vb | W7 LRC |
Celtic |
Old Irish | fēn | cart, carriage | n | LRC |
Welsh | ar-wain | to carry | vb | LRC |
Welsh | cy-wain | to drive | vb | LRC |
Welsh | gwain | cart, carriage | n | LRC |
West Germanic |
Old Frisian | wain, wein | wain, wagon, carriage, vehicle | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Old Frisian | wega, weia | to weigh, move | vb | ASD LRC |
Old Frisian | wei | way | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Middle Dutch | wagen | wagon | n | W7 LRC |
Dutch | weegschaal | weighing scales | n | TLL LRC |
Dutch | weg | way | n | LRC |
Dutch | wegen | to weigh | vb | LRC |
Dutch | wegens | on account of | prep | TLL LRC |
Old Saxon | weg | way | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Old Low German | reidi-wagan | chariot, lit. riding-wagon | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Old Low German | wegan | to weigh | vb | ASD LRC |
Middle Low German | wiggelen | to wiggle | vb | W7 LRC |
Old High German | wāga | scales, weights | n | KDW LRC |
Old High German | wāga | weight, balance | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Old High German | wagan | wagon, carriage | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Old High German | weg | way | n.masc | W7 ASD LRC |
Old High German | wegan | to weigh, move, carry | vb | ASD LRC |
Middle High German | wacken | to totter | vb | W7 LRC |
German | Waage | scales, balance, weighing device | n.fem | TLL LRC |
German | wackeln | to wag, wiggle, totter | vb | LRC |
German | Wagen | wagon | n.masc | LRC |
German | wägen | to weigh | vb.trans | TLL LRC |
German | Weg | way, road | n.masc | LRC |
German | wegen | on account of | prep | TLL LRC |
German | wiegen | to weigh | vb | LRC |
North Germanic |
Old Norse | vagn | wagon | n | LRC |
Old Norse | vega | to move | vb | LRC |
Old Norse | vegr | way, road | n.masc | LRC |
Old Norse | vætt | weight | n | W7 LRC |
Icelandic | vagn | wain, wagon, carriage, vehicle | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | vág, vágir | weight; [pl.] scales, balance | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | vega | to weigh, move, carry | vb | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | vegr | way | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Danish | vej | way | n | LRC |
Danish | vægt | weight, scales | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | vagn | wain, wagon | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | våg | weighing scales | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | väg | way | n | LRC |
East Germanic |
Gothic | ga-wigan | to wag, move, shake, wiggle | vb | ASD LRC |
Gothic | un-wāhs | bent, crooked | adj | ASD LRC |
Gothic | wigs | way, road, journey | n.str.masc | LRC |
Crimean Gothic | *waghen, vvaghen | wagon | n | CGo LRC |
Italic |
Latin | advectio, advectionis | act of bringing | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | advectus | act of bringing | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Latin | adveho, advehere | to bring, carry to | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | convectus | brought together | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | conveho, convehere | to move/bring together | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | convexus | convex, vaulted, concave | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | devius | devious, out of the way | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | evectio, evectionis | rising, carrying out | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | evectus | risen, carried out | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | eveho, evehere | to carry out, raise up | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | invectivus | insulting | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | invectus | carried in | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | inveho, invehere | to carry in | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | obviam | in the way | adv | W7 LRC |
Latin | obvius | in the way | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | pervius | pervious, accessible | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | praevius | leading the way | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | trivialis | trivial, commonplace, found everywhere | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | trivium | crossroads | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | vector | carrier | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Latin | vectus | carried | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | vehemens, vehementis | being impetuous | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | vehiculum | carriage, conveyance | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | veho, vehere | to drive, carry, convey | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | vexo, vexare | to vex, trouble, agitate | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | vexus | bent, crooked | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | via | way, road | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | viaticum | traveling money | n.neut | W7 LRC |
Latin | viaticus | re: journey | adj | W7 LRC |
Vulgar Latin | convio, conviāre | to escort, accompany | vb | W7 LRC |
Vulgar Latin | invio, inviare | to send on one's way | vb | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | convectio, convectionis | act of bringing together | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | deviatus | gone astray | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | devio, deviāre | to go astray | vb | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | obviatus | met | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | obvio, obviāre | to meet, withstand | vb | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | Norwegia | Norway | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old Spanish | bogar | to row | vb | W7 LRC |
Old French | conveier | to escort, accompany | vb | W7 LRC |
Old French | envei | message | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old French | envoier | to send on one's way | vb | W7 LRC |
Old French | voiage | trip, voyage | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | conveier | to convey | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | convoier | to convoy | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | envoi | message | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | invectif | insulting | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle French | ochlocratie | ochlocracy | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Middle French | véhément | violent, passionate, impetuous | adj | W7 LRC |
Middle French | vexer | to vex, outrage | vb | W7 LRC |
Middle French | vogue | vogue | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | convexe | convex | adj | W7 LRC |
French | envoi | message, act of sending | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | envoyé | sent | vb.past.ptc | W7 LRC |
French | envoyer | to send | vb | W7 LRC |
French | véhicule | vehicle | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | wagon | wagon, (railroad) car | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | wagon-lit | wagon-lit | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Old Italian | voga | vogue, fashion | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Old Italian | vogare | to row | vb | W7 LRC |
Balto-Slavic |
Lithuanian | vāžis | cart | n | LRC |
Lithuanian | vèzti | to carry, convey | vb | LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | vesti | to carry, convey | vb | LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | vozŭ | carriage | n | LRC |
Hellenic |
Homeric Greek | ὀχέω | to bear, endure; be borne | vb | LRC |
Homeric Greek | ὄχος | carriage, chariot | n | LRC |
Greek | ὀχλοκρᾰτία | ochlocracy | n.fem | LS LRC |
Greek | ὄχλος | mob, crowd, throng | n.masc | LS LRC |
Indo-Iranian |
Avestan | vazaiti | to travel | vb | LRC |
Avestan | vazyam | load | n | LRC |
Sanskrit | váhati | to travel | vb | LRC |
Sanskrit | vahítram | ship, vehicle | n | LRC |