
three, trio

Reflexes - Pokorny

Englishtriskaidekaphobiaabnormal fear of number 13nAHD LRC
Englishtrigeminusmain facial sensory nervenAHD LRC
EnglishThrihyrneHelm's Deep mountain in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishtriceratopsherbivorous dinosaur of Cretaceous PeriodnAHD LRC
Englishtricroticre: triple beat in arterial pulseadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtricrotismhaving 3 pulse beats per heartbeatnAHD LRC
Englishtriquetroustriangular, having three acute anglesadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriquetrumwedge-shaped carpal bonenAHD LRC
EnglishThrimidge, Thrimi(l)chShire calendar's May in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishtrisoctahedronregular solid with 24 congruent facesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtripedalhaving 3 feetadjAHD LRC
Englishthreefoldtriple, 3 times the number/quantityadjW7 LRC
Englishtrimerthree identical molecules combinednAHD LRC
Englishattestto affirm as true/genuinevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishcontestto make subject of dispute/contention/litigationvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishdetestto loathe, abhor, dislike intenselyvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishobtestto beseech, supplicatevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishprotestto avow, make solemn declaration/affirmation ofvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishridingadministrative jurisdiction in Yorkshire, EnglandnAHD W7 LRC
Englishsesterceancient Roman coin: 1/4 denariusnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtercelmale hawk/falconnAHD LRC
Englishterntype of sea gullnAHD W7 LRC
Englishterpolymerpolymer of 3 distinct monomersnAHD LRC
Englishtertianrecurring at ca. 3-day intervalsadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtertiaryof 3d rank/value/importanceadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtertiarymember of of monastic 3rd ordernAHD W7 LRC
Englishtestamentcovenant between God and mannAHD W7 LRC
EnglishtesticletestisnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtestifyto bear witness, make statement based on personal belief/knowledgevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishtestimony(ark containing) tablets inscribed with Mosaic lawnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtestismale reproductive glandnAHD W7 LRC
Englishthird3rd (in place/time)nbr.ordAHD W7 LRC
Englishthirty30nbr.cardAHD W7 LRC
Englishthree3nbr.cardAHD W7 LRC
Englishthricethree timesadvAHD W7 LRC
Englishtiercethird (3rd)nbr.ordAHD W7 LRC
Englishtreyside of die/domino with 3 spotsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtri-threepfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriadtrinity, group/union of threenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtribesocial group comprising relatives/adoptees/slavesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrichotomydivision into 3 parts/classes/elementsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtridactylhaving 3 fingers/toesadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriglyph3-grooved tablet in Doric friezenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrilliumlily with erect stem bearing 3 leavesnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishTrimurtitriad of gods: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Hinduism)prop.nLRC
Englishtrinetriple, threefoldadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrinitytriad, three in onenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriogroup of threenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriplehaving 3 units/membersadjW7 LRC
Englishtriplextriple, threefoldadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtritiumradioactive hydrogen isotope with 3 times ordinary massnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtritonemusical interval: three whole stepsnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishtroikaRussian vehicle pulled by 3 horses abreastnAHD W7 LRC
Old Englishþri-milceMay, lit. three-milkings (month)n.mascASD LRC
Old Englishþirdda, þriddathird (3rd)nbr.ordW7 LRC
Old Englishþriddingdoing something for 3rd timen.femW7 LRC
Old Englishþrīe, þrēo, þrēothree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Old Englishþri-fealdthreefoldadjASD LRC
Old EnglishþrigathriceadvW7 LRC
Old Englishþrītig, þrittigthirty (30)nbr.cardASD LRC
Middle Englishdetestento detestvbW7 LRC
Middle Englishprotestento protestvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishridingridingnW7 LRC
Middle Englishtercetiercenbr.ordW7 LRC
Middle EnglishterciantertianadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtestamenttestamentnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtesticuletesticlenW7 LRC
Middle Englishtestifiento testifyvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtestimonytestimonynW7 LRC
Middle Englishthirde, thriddethird (3rd)nbr.ordW7 LRC
Middle Englishthreethree (3)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Middle Englishthrie(s)thriceadvW7 LRC
Middle Englishthrittythirty (30)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Middle Englishtiercetiercenbr.ordW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtreistreynW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtreyetreynW7 LRC
Middle Englishtri-tri-pfxW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtribetribenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtrinetrineadjW7 LRC
East Germanic
Crimean Gothic*treiþien, treithyenthirty (30), lit. third tennbr.cardCGo LRC
Crimean Gothic*þiinetria, thune-triathirteen (10 + 3)nbr.cardCGo GED LRC
Gothicþreis, þreis, þrijathree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Gothicþridjathird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Crimean Gothictriathree (3)nbr.cardCGo LRC
Old Irishtri(ū)three (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Irishtríthree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Scots Gaelictrìthree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Manxtreethree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Welshtrithree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Welshtrydyddthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianthrē, thria, thriuthree (3)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Frisianthreddathird (3rd)nbr.ordASD LRC
Old Frisianthria, thriiathriceadvW7 ASD LRC
Old Frisianthrītichthirty (30)nbr.cardASD LRC
Dutchdriethree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Old Saxonthriddiothird (3rd)nbr.ordASD LRC
Old Saxonthrie, threathree (3)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Saxonthriio, thriwothriceadvASD LRC
Old Saxonthrītigthirty (30)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Low Germanthriethree (3)nbr.cardASD LRC
Old Low GermanthrīothriceadvASD LRC
Old High Germandrī, drīo, driuthree (3)nbr.cardW7 ASD LRC
Old High Germandritt(i)othird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old High Germandrīzugthirty (30)nbr.cardASD LRC
Middle High GermandrīesthriceadvEIE LRC
Germandreithree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Germandrittethird (3rd)nbr.ordLRC
North Germanic
Old Norseþriðithird (3rd)nbr.ordW7 LRC
Old Norseþriðjungrthird partnW7 LRC
Old Norseþrír, þrjár, þrjúthree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Icelandicþriþithird (3rd)nbr.ordASD LRC
Icelandicþrír, þrjár, þrjúthree (3)nbr.cardASD LRC
Danishternetern, sea-swallownW7 DEO LRC
Danishtrethree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Swedishtrethree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Umbrianterti(u)third (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Latinattestor, attestarito prove, confirm, attestvb.depW7 LRC
Latincontestor, contestarito call as witnessvb.depW7 LRC
Latindestestor, detestarito curse while calling on deity as witnessvb.depW7 LRC
Latinobtestor, obtestarito beseech, call to witnessvb.depW7 LRC
Latinprotestor, protestarito witness before juryvb.depW7 LRC
Latinsestertiustwo and a half times as greatadjW7 LRC
Latintertianusof the thirdadjW7 LRC
Latintertiariusof a thirdadjW7 LRC
Latintertiusthird (3rd)nbr.ordW7 LRC
Latintestamentumwill, covenantn.neutW7 LRC
Latintesticulustesticlen.mascW7 LRC
Latintestificor, testificarito testifyvb.depW7 LRC
Latintestimoniumevidence, witnessn.neutW7 LRC
Latintestiswitness: 3rd party to transactionn.mascW7 LRC
Latintestor, testarito bear witness, give evidencevb.depW7 LRC
Latintrēsthree (3)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Latintri-threepfxW7 LRC
Latintriad-group of threepfxW7 LRC
Latintriastriadn.femW7 LRC
Latintribustribe, division of (Roman) peoplen.femW7 LRC
Latintriglyphustriglyphn.mascW7 LRC
Latintrinithree eachadvW7 LRC
Latintrinusof threeadjW7 LRC
LatintriplexthreefoldadjW7 LRC
Late Latintestamentumcovenant with God, holy scripturen.neutW7 LRC
Late Latintestimoniumtestimony, Decaloguen.neutW7 LRC
Medieval Latintertiariusof a thirdadjW7 LRC
New Latintrilliumgenus of herbsn.neutW7 LRC
New Latintritiumradioactive hydrogen isotopen.neutW7 LRC
Portugueseattestarto attestvbCDC LRC
Spanishatestarto attestvbCDC LRC
Old Frenchatesterto attestvbCDC LRC
Middle Frenchattesterto attestvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchcontesterto contestvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchobtesterto obtestvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchprotesterto protestvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchterzthird (3rd)nbr.ordW7 LRC
Middle Frenchtiercethird (3rd)nbr.ordW7 LRC
Middle Frenchtreiethree (3)nbrW7 LRC
Middle Frenchtreisthree (3)nbrW7 LRC
Middle Frenchtrinof threeadjW7 LRC
Frenchattesterto attestvbCDC LRC
Frenchtriotrion.mascW7 LRC
Frenchtroisthree (3)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Italianattestareto attestvbCDC LRC
Italiantri-threepfxW7 LRC
Italiantriotrio, set of threen.mascW7 LRC
Old Prussiantīrts, tirtsthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old Prussiantristhree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Lithuaniantrẽčias, trečiàthird (3rd)nbr.ordLRC
Lithuaniantrỹsthree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Latviantrešaĩsthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Latviantrîsthree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Russiantrétijthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Russiantroethree (3)nbr.cardW7 LRC
Old Church Slavonictretijĭ, tretithird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Old Church Slavonictrьe, tri, trithree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Albaniantrethree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Albaniantretëthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Mycenaean*tri-three (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Mycenaeanti-ri-potripodnEIE LRC
Homeric Greekτρεῖς, τριάς, τρίαthree (3)nbr.cardLRC
Homeric Greekτριάκονταthirty (30)nbr.cardLRC
Homeric Greekτρίτατοςthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Greekτρῐ-three, thricepfxLS LRC
Greekτρί-γλῠφοςtriglyphic, lit. thrice-clovenadjLS LRC
Greekτρῐ-δακτῠλοςtridactyladjLS LRC
GreekτρίςthriceadvLS LRC
Greekτρίτοςthird (3rd)nbr.ordLRC
Lyciantri-three (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Lyciantri-three (3)nbr.cardLRC
Hittiteteri-three (3)nbr.cardLRC
Hittiteteriyanthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Armenianerek'three (3)nbr.cardLRC
Avestanθrayōthree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
AvestanθrišthriceadvEIE LRC
Avestanθritya-third (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Sanskrittráyas, trī́three (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Sanskrittritá, tr̊tíya-third (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Sanskrittrimūrtihaving three forms, re: TrimurtiadjW7 LRC
Sanskrittriṣ, triḥthriceadvEIE LRC
Tocharian Btrai, taryathree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Tocharian Btritethird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC
Tocharian Atrethree (3)nbr.cardEIE LRC
Tocharian Atritthird (3rd)nbr.ordEIE LRC