2. teu-

to notice, observe, listen to

Reflexes - Liv

NYIlat. tuor, tuī ‘ansehen, betrachten; schützen’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lat. tueor, -ērī ‘ansehen, betrachten; schützen’{2}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old Englishþēawthew; habit, custom, dispositionn.mascLRC
Middle EnglishthewthewnW7 LRC
Middle Englishtuiciountuition, protectionnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtutortutornW7 LRC
Englishintuitionimmediate cognition/apprehensionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishthewsinew, musclenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtuitioncustody, guardianshipnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtutelageguardianship, act of guarding/protectingnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtutelarybeing/serving as guardian/protectoradjAHD LRC
Englishtutorperson charged with guidance/instructionnAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Old Saxonthaucustom, usage, general practicen.mascASD LRC
Old High Germandaucustom, usage, general practicen.mascASD LRC
Old High GermankathaudisciplinenW7 LRC
Latinintueor, intuērīto look at, contemplatevb.depW7 LRC
Latinintuituslooked at, contemplatedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latintueor, tuērīto watch, look atvb.depW7 LRC
Latintuitiō, tuitiōnisguard, protectionn.femW7 LRC
Latintuitusprotectedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latintutelaguardian, protectionn.femW7 LRC
Latintutortutor, protectorn.mascW7 LRC
Latintūtus, tūta, tūtumsafe, protectedadjLRC
Late Latinintuitio, intuitionisact of contemplatingn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchtuiciontuition, protectionn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchtuteurtutorn.mascW7 LRC