3. ter-, terə-, and teri-, trēi-, trī-, also teru- : treu-

to bore, drill, rub, thresh

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[gr. τείρω ‘reibe auf, erschöpfe’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἔτρησα ‘durchbohrte’{7}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lat. terō, -ere ‘reiben’{4}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lit. tiriù, (tìrti) ‘erforschen, erfahren’{5}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. (+) tьrjǫ, (trъti) ‘reiben’{6}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) -trъ ‘rieb’{8}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[gr. hom. ἔτορε ‘durchbohrte’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[gr. τρώω ‘verwunde, verletze’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[gr. τιτρώσκω ‘verwunde, verletze’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἔτρωσα ‘verwundete’NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[gr. τραγεῖν ‘zernagen’{1}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. τρώγω ‘zernage’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. τρώξομαι ‘werde zernagen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[toch.B treṣṣäṃ ‘(zer)kaut’{2}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYIaksl. (+) -trovǫ, (-truti) ‘verbrauchen’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?ksl. tryjǫ, (tryti) ‘reiben’{4}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) -tru ‘verbrauchte’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. (+) travljǫ, traviti ‘aufzehren’{6}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?gr. τρῡ́ω ‘reibe auf, erschöpfe’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. τρῦσαι ‘aufreiben, erschöpfen’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. τέτρῡμαι ‘bin erschöpft’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lit. truniù, trunė́ti ‘faulen, modern, verwesen’{5}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[ahd. drāen, ae. ðrāwan ‘drehen’{2}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYItoch.B Konj. triśäṃ ‘soll verfehlen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYItoch.B traiksa ‘verfehlte’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYItoch. PPP B tetriku, A tatriku ‘verfehlt’NYI..LIV TOL
NYItoch.B trikṣäṃ; A trikseñc ‘verfehlen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYItoch.B triketär ‘ist verwirrt, geht in die Irre’{3}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYIgr. τρῑ́βω ‘reibe (auf)’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. τρῖψαι ‘reiben, aufreiben’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. τέτριπται ‘ist (auf)gerieben’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἐτρίβη ‘wurde (auf)gerieben’NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[got. (+) þriskan ‘dreschen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?[lit. trė́škiu, (trė́kšti) ‘quetschen, pressen’NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYIlit. trupù, (trupė́ti) ‘bröckeln, krümeln (intr.)’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlit. trumpù, (trùpti) ‘bröckeln, krümeln (intr.)’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIruss. trupljú, trupít' ‘zerbröckeln’NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[aksl. is-trъže ‘riß heraus, zog heraus’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) is-trъgnǫti ‘herausreißen, -ziehen’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) trěžǫ, (-trъdzati) ‘reißen’{3}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Liv

NYIlat. tergō, -ere ‘abwischen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlat. tersī ‘wischte ab’NYI..LIV TOL

Cross References - Pokorny

6. ter-

Reflexes - Pokorny

Englishmonotremeprimitive egg-laying mammalnAHD LRC
Englishatresiaclosure/absence of body tube/orificenAHD LRC
Englishattornto agree to be tenant to new owner/landlord of same propertyvb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishattorneyone legally appointed to transact businessnAHD W7 LRC
Englishattritionabrasion, rubbing things togethernAHD OED LRC
Englishcontouroutline of curving/irregular figurenAHD W7 LRC
Englishcontritegrieving/penitent for sin/shortcomingadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishdermadermis: sensitive mesodermic skin layernAHD W7 LRC
Englishdetourdeviation from direct course/usual procedurenAHD W7 LRC
Englishdetrimenthurt, damage, injurynAHD W7 LRC
Englishdiatribeprolonged discoursenAHD W7 LRC
Englishdredgesweetmeat: food rich in sugarnAHD W7 LRC
Englishdredgeto coat/cover (food) by sprinkling (e.g. with flour)vb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishdrilltool with edged/pointed end for making holes by rotating/strikingnW7 LRC
Englishdrillto bore/pierce with drillvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishreturnto go/come back againvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishseptentrionnorth, northern regionsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishteredoshipworm: marine clamnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtereteapprox. cylindrical but tapering at both endsadjAHD W7 LRC
EnglishThráinDwarf name in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishthrashto thresh, separate seeds from straw/husks by beatingvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishthreadfilaments twisted together into continuous strandnAHD W7 LRC
Englishthreshto separate seed from harvested plantvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishthresholdsill, stone/plank/timber that lies under doornAHD W7 LRC
EnglishThrórDwarf king in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishthrow, threw, thrownto propel through air by forward motion of hand/armvb.strAHD W7 LRC
Englishtoreuticsmetalworking via carving/chasing/embossingnAHD LRC
Englishtourshift, scheduled turn; visitnTLL LRC
Englishtrafine, trefinetrephinen.obsAHD W7 LRC
Englishtraumaextrinsically caused wound/injury to living tissuenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrematodeparasitic flatworm (e.g. fluke)nAHD W7 LRC
EnglishtrepantrephinenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrephinesurgical tool for cutting circular sectionsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriboelectricityelectrical charge generated by frictionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtribologyscience of surfaces in relative motionnAHD LRC
Englishtribulationdistress/suffering caused by oppression/persecutionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtritestale, hackneyed from overuseadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriturateto grind, crushvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrogonnonpasserine tropical birdnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtroutfresh-water food fishnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtruantone who shirks dutynAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrypanosomeparasitic flagellate protozoan infesting vertebratesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishtrypsinproteolytic enzyme in pancreatic juicenAHD W7 LRC
Englishturnrotation, revolution, act of turning about axis/centernAHD W7 LRC
Englishturnto rotate, revolve, move around axis/centervbAHD W7 LRC
Old EnglishtrūhttroutnW7 LRC
Old Englishturnian, tyrnanto turnvbW7 LRC
Old Englishþerscold, þrescwaldthresholdn.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishþrǣdthreadn.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishþrāwanto throw, cause to twist/turnvb.strW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishþrēathreat, rebuke, reproof, inflictionn.femIEW ASD LRC
Old Englishþrescanto threshvbW7 LRC
Old Englishðrōwian, ðrōwade, ðrōwadto suffer, endurevb.wk.IILRC
Middle Englishattournento attornvbW7 LRC
Middle Englishattourney, atturny, aturne(ye)attorneynW7 CDC LRC
Middle EnglishattriciounattritionnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishcontritcontriteadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishdetrimentdetrimentnW7 LRC
Middle Englishdrage, dregedredgenW7 LRC
Middle Englishretournento returnvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishseptentrionseptentrionnW7 LRC
Middle Englishthrawento throwvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishthredthreadnW7 LRC
Middle Englishthresshento threshvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishthressholdthresholdnW7 LRC
Middle Englishthrowento throw, cause to twistvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtrepanetrepannW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtribulaciontribulationnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtrouttroutnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishtruanttruantnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishturncircuitnW7 LRC
Middle Englishturnento turnvbW7 LRC
Scots Gaelictruaghanwretchn.mascW7 GE LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianthrēdthreadn.mascASD LRC
Dutchdraadthreadn.mascASD LRC
Dutchdraaijento turn, twistvbASD LRC
Dutchdrillento drillvbW7 LRC
Old Low Germanthrāanto turn, twistvbASD LRC
Old Low Germanthrādthread, stringn.mascASD LRC
Old High Germandrāento turnvbW7 LRC
Old High Germandrājanto turn, twistvb.wkASD LRC
Old High Germandrātthread, wiren.mascW7 ASD LRC
Old High Germandreskanto threshvbW7 LRC
Old High Germandrōen, druoento suffervbASD LRC
GermanDrahtthread, wiren.mascASD LRC
Germandrehento turnvbLRC
Germandreschento threshvbLRC
Germandrillento drillvbLRC
North Germanic
Old NorseÞráinnThráin (Voluspa dwarf)prop.nLRC
Old NorseþreskjöldrthresholdnW7 LRC
Old NorseÞrórThrór (Voluspa dwarf)prop.nLRC
Old Icelandicþrárfirm, stubborn, obstinate, tenaciousadjIEW ICE LRC
Icelandicþráðrthreadn.mascASD LRC
Icelandicþresköldrthresholdn.mascASD LRC
Danishtraadthreadn.mascASD LRC
SwedishtrådthreadnTLL LRC
Latinattero, atterereto rub againstvbW7 LRC
Latinattritio, attritionisattrition, action/result of rubbingn.femW7 LRC
Latinattritusrubbed againstvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latincontero, conterereto grind, bruisevbW7 LRC
Latindetrimentumloss, prejudicen.neutW7 LRC
Latinseptentrionorth wind, Northn.mascW7 LRC
Latinseptentriones7 plow oxen, 7 stars of Ursa Major/Minorn.masc.plW7 LRC
Latinteredo, teredinisteredo, wood wormn.femW7 LRC
Latinteres, teretisrounded, well turnedadjW7 LRC
Latintergeō, tergēreto wipe, scour, cleanvbRPN LRC
Latintergō, tergereto wipe, scour, cleanvbRPN LRC
Latinterō, terereto rub, wear awayvbRPN LRC
Latintornō, tornāreto turn on a lathevbW7 LRC
Latintornuslathen.mascW7 LRC
Latintragematasweetmeatsn.neut.plW7 LRC
Latintribulatio, tribulationisdistress, suffering, trying experiencen.femW7 LRC
Latintribulatusoppressed, afflictedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latintribulo, tribulāreto press, oppressvbW7 LRC
Latintribulumthreshing sledgen.neutW7 LRC
Latintrionesplow oxen, stars of Ursa Major/Ursa Minorn.masc.plW7 LRC
Latintriturathreshing, act of rubbingn.femW7 LRC
Latintritusrubbedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Late Latintrituratusthreshedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Late Latintrituro, triturāreto threshvbW7 LRC
Late Latintrocta, tructatroutn.femW7 LRC
Middle Latinattornareto attornvbCDC LRC
Medieval Latinattritio, attritionisattritionn.femW7 LRC
Medieval Latintrepanumtrepan, tool for miningn.neutW7 LRC
New Latindermaskin layern.femW7 LRC
New Latintrogontrogonn.neutW7 LRC
New LatinTrypanosoma(genus name for) trypanosomen.femW7 LRC
SpanishalrededoraroundadvTLL LRC
Old Frenchat(t)orneattorneynCDC LRC
Old Frenchat(t)orner, at(o)urnerto attornvbW7 CDC LRC
Old FrenchattritionattritionnAHD LRC
Old Frenchdestordetour, diversionn.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchdestornerto divertvbW7 LRC
Old Frenchtornerto turnvbW7 LRC
Old Frenchtour(n)turn, lathe, ring, circuitn.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchtribulaciontribulation, trying experiencen.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchatornélegally appointedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Middle Frenchatornerto appoint as attorneyvbW7 LRC
Middle FrenchcontritcontriteadjW7 LRC
Middle Frenchdétrimentdetriment, impairmentn.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchdragiecandyn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchretournerto turn backvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchseptentrionthe Northn.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchtournerto turnvbW7 LRC
FrenchattritionattritionnCDC LRC
FrenchautouraroundadvTLL LRC
Frenchcontourcontour, outlinen.mascW7 LRC
Frenchdétourdetour, diversionn.mascW7 LRC
Frenchtournerto turnvbW7 LRC
Frenchtréphinetrephinen.femW7 LRC
ItalianattornoaroundadvTLL LRC
Italiancontornareto round off, sketch in outlinevbW7 LRC
Italiancontornocontourn.mascW7 LRC
Lithuaniantárpasspace, periodn.mascLRC
Lithuaniantráukti, tráukia, tráukėto attractvbLRC
Lithuaniantrinù, trìntito rubvbRPN LRC
Latvianstarpamong, betweenadvLRC
Old Church Slavonictьrǫ, trětito rub, wear downvbRPN LRC
Greekδιατρῐβήdelay; pastime, amusementn.femLS LRC
Greekδια-τρίβωto spend time, lit. rub betweenvbLS LRC
Greekτείρωto rub hard, wear awayvbRPN LRC
Greekτερηδώνteredo, wood wormn.femLS LRC
Greekτετραίνωto bore, pierce, perforatevbLS LRC
Greekτόρνος(carpenter's) compassn.mascLS LRC
Greekτράγημαdessert, sweetmeatn.neutLS LRC
Greekτραῦμαtrauma, damage, defeatn.neutLS LRC
Greekτρῆμαhole, orifice, perforationn.neutLS LRC
Greektrēmatōdēspierced with holesadjW7 LRC
Greekτρίβωto rub, thresh, wear outvbLRC
Greekτρύπᾰνονtrepan, auger, piercing instrumentn.neutLS LRC
Greekτρῡπάωto bore, piercevbLS LRC
Greekτρύπηholen.femLS LRC
Greekτρύωto rub down, wear outvbRPN LRC
Greekτρώγωto gnaw, nibblevbLS LRC
Greekτρώκτηςgnawer, nibblern.mascLS LRC