3. tel-

to be calm/still

Reflexes - Liv

NYIair. -tuili ‘schläft’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) u-toljǫ, -toliti ‘beruhigen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. (+) tьlějǫ, tьlěti ‘modern, vergehen’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lit. tyliù, (tylė́ti) ‘schweigen’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlit. tįlù, (tìlti) ‘verstummen’NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old Irishtu(i)lidsleepsTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Irishcon-tu(i)lisleepsTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old IrishcotludSleepTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuaniantyliùto be silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuaniantylḗtito be silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuanianap-tįlù, tiltibecoming silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuaniannu-tįlù, tiltibecoming silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuanianpri-tįlù, tiltibecoming silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuaniantìldauto keep silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuaniantìldytito keep silentTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuaniantylùstaciturnTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Slavictьlějǫ, tьlětidecay, pass awayTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Slavicu-toliticalm downTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old Slavictolitito appeaseTBDIEW UKY GPT
Serbianzà-tljâm, zà-tljatiwant to doze offTBDIEW UKY GPT