
to climb, ascend; stride, march

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[gr. ἔστιχον ‘stieg, ging, zog’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. στείχω ‘steige, gehe, ziehe’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. po-stiže ‘erreichte, traf’{1}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. (+) po-stignǫti ‘erreichen, treffen’{6}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIair. 3s tāit, -tāt ‘geht’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIair. tíagu ‘gehe’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIair. Konj. -tíasat ‘würden gehen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgot. (+) steigan ‘steigen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[got. (+) staig ‘stieg’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lit. steigiúos, (steĩgtis) ‘eilen, sich bemühen’{4}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[ved. (MS) prá stiṅnoti ‘kommt empor’{5}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old FrenchacrosticheacrosticnAHD LRC
Middle Frenchacrosticheacrosticn.mascW7 LRC
Frenchacrosticheacrosticn.mascAHD LRC
Frenchcadastrecadastren.mascW7 LRC
Old Italiancatasticocadastren.mascW7 LRC
Italiancatastrocadastren.mascW7 LRC
Latindistichondistichn.neutW7 LRC
Latinhemistichiumhemistichn.neutW7 LRC
Greekakrostichisacrosticn.femW7 LRC
Homeric Greekστείχωto go, move, march, climbvbLRC
Greekdistichondistichn.neutW7 LRC
Greekdistichoshaving two rowsadjW7 LRC
Greekhēmi-stichionhemistichn.neutW7 LRC
Greeksticho-mytheinto speak dialogue in alternate linesvbW7 LRC
Greeksticho-mythiastichomythian.femW7 LRC
Greekstichosstich, line, versen.mascW7 LRC
GreekstoicheionelementnW7 LRC
Late Greekkatastichonnotebookn.neutW7 LRC
Englishpentastichpoem/stanza with five linesnAHD LRC
Englishacrosticcomposition where initial/final letters of lines form word/phrase/sequencenAHD W7 LRC
Englishcadastreofficial register of real estate value/quantity/ownershipnAHD W7 LRC
Englishdistichstrophic unit: two linesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishhemistichpoetic half-versenAHD W7 LRC
Englishstairflight/series of steps from level to levelnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstichline of versenAHD LRC
Englishstichometrydivision of prose into fixed-length linesnAHD LRC
Englishstichomythiadialogue of dispute/altercation in alternating linesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstickleto contend stubbornly on insufficient groundsvb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishsticklerone who stickles, insists on exactness/completenessnLRC
Englishstile(set of) steps for getting over fence/wallnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstirrupring used as foot support while ridingnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstoichiometrybranch of chemical sciencenAHD W7 LRC
Englishstyinflamed sebaceous gland swelling at eyelid marginnAHD W7 LRC
Old Englishgestīgan, gestāh, gestigon, gestigento mount, ascendvb.str.ILRC
Old Englishstǣgerstair(case)n.femW7 LRC
Old Englishstīgan, stāh, stigon, stigento rise, ascendvb.str.ILRC
Old Englishstigelstilen.femW7 LRC
Old Englishstīgendstyn.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishstigrāpstirrupn.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishstihtanto stickle, arrangevb.wkW7 ASD LRC
Middle Englishsteirstair(case)nW7 LRC
Middle Englishstightento stickle, arrangevbW7 LRC
Middle Englishstightlensticklevb.freqW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstilestilenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstiropstirrupnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstyanstynW7 LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianstīgato go, ascendvbASD LRC
Old Frisianstīgescore, twenty piecesnLRC
DutchsteeglanenTLL LRC
Dutchstichtento arrange; instigatevbASD LRC
Dutchstijgento go, ascendvbASD LRC
Old Saxongi-stīganto mount, ascend, descendvbASD LRC
Old Saxonstīganto go, ascendvbASD LRC
Old High GermanstegareifstirrupnW7 LRC
Old High Germanstiftento arrange; instigatevbASD LRC
Old High Germanstīganto risevbW7 LRC
Old High GermanstigliastilenASD LRC
GermanStegreifstirrupnASD LRC
Germansteigento mount, ascendvbASD LRC
GermanStiegestaircase; score, twenty piecesn.femLRC
North Germanic
Icelandicstéttato found, establishvbASD LRC
IcelandicstigreipstirrupnASD LRC
Icelandicstígato go, ascendvbASD LRC
Norwegiansti, stig(je)stynASD LRC
DanishstipathnTLL LRC
Danishstigeto go, ascendvbASD LRC
SwedishstigpathnTLL LRC
Swedishstigato go, ascendvbASD LRC
East Germanic
Gothicga-steiganto ascend, descendvbASD LRC
Gothicsteiganto go, ascendvbASD LRC
Crimean Gothicstegascore, twenty piecesnCGo LRC