stā- : stə-

to stand

Reflexes - Liv

NYIved. ásthāt ‘ist getreten, hat sich hingestellt’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[ved. tíṣṭhati ‘tritt, stellt sich hin; steht’{7}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIved. tastháu ‘steht; hat sich gestellt’{17a}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIarm. er-tʽa- ‘gehen’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[arm. er-tʽam ‘gehe’{8}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIarm. stanam Med. ‘erwerbe’{12}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἔστην ‘trat, stellte mich hin’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἵστημι ‘stelle’, ἵσταμαι ‘stelle mich, trete hin’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?[gr. kret. στανύω ‘setze ein’{13}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἕσταμεν ‘wir stehen’{18}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgr. ἔστησα ‘stellte’ R(e)-i̯e-Präs.{23}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[aksl. (+) sta ‘stellte sich hin’{4}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?[aksl. stavljǫ, staviti ‘stellen’{22}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) stajǫ, (stajati) ipf. ‘sich hinstellen, treten’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) stojǫ, stojati ‘stehen’{29}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaksl. (+) stanǫ, (stati) pf. ‘sich hinstellen, treten’NYI..LIV TOL
NYItoch.A Konj. tāmäs ‘wir werden sein’{5}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[jav. hištəṇti ‘stellen sich hin; stehen’{7a}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIjav. vi-šastarə ‘erstrecken sich’{17b}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIjav. -stāiiā ‘stelle’, ap. -astāyam ‘stellte’{20}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIaav. Konj. stā̊ŋ́hat̰ ‘soll treten’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lat. sistō, -ere ‘(sich) stellen’; [umbr. sestu ‘stelle’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lat. dē-stinō, -āre ‘festsetzen’{14}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlat. stetī ‘stellte (mich), stand’{19}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI24## [lat. stō, stāre ‘stehen’, umbr. stahu ‘stehe’{25}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[osk. staít, stahínt ‘steht, stehen’, umbr. stahitu ‘soll stehen’{26}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIkeltib. sistat K.3.3 ‘hat errichtet’{9}, [air. air-sissedar ‘bleibt stehen’{10}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[air. -sestar ‘blieb stehen’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[air. táu ‘bin, befinde mich’{27}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?[heth. istanh-mi ‘kosten, probieren’{11}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[kluw. tātta ‘trat ein’, hluw. ta-i ‘tritt ein’{16},## ?[heth. tiyezzi ‘stellt sich, bleibt stehen’{17}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[alb. shton ‘fügt hinzu’{15}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI?got. stojan ‘richten, beschließen’{21}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIahd. stēn/stān ‘stehen’{28}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlit. stóju, (stóti) ‘treten’NYI..LIV TOL
NYI{30}## apr. po-stānimai ‘wir werden’NYI..LIV TOL

Cross References - Pokorny

steb(ʰ)-, and stēb(ʰ)- : stəbʰ-, nasalized stemb(ʰ)-, step-, also stēp-?, nasalized stemp-, nominal stəbʰo-s, stemb(ʰ)ro-s, stomb(ʰ)o-sstāk-, stek-

Reflexes - Pokorny

Englishamphistylarhaving columns on opposite sidesadjAHD LRC
Englishstarboardright side of ship (looking forward)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishpenstemonbeardtongue: flowering plant with many seedsnAHD LRC
Englishprostylehaving row of columns across front onlyadjAHD LRC
Englishhistiocytephagocytic tissue cellnAHD W7 LRC
Englishapostasyrenunciation of religious faithnAHD W7 LRC
Englisharmisticetruce, temporary suspension of hostilitiesnAHD W7 LRC
Englisharrestcheck, halting, being stoppednW7 LRC
Englisharrestto halt, bring to a stopvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishassistto give aid/supportvbAHD W7 LRC
EnglishastasiaastasisnAHD LRC
Englishastasisinability to standnLRC
Englishastatineradioactive halogen elementnAHD W7 LRC
Englishastylarhaving no columns/pilastersadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishbesteadplaced, situatedadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishcatastasiscomplication immediately prior to climax of playnAHD W7 LRC
Englishcircumstancefact/event/condition conditioning/determining/accompanying anothernAHD W7 LRC
Englishconsistto lie, residevb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishconstablehigh officer of medieval noble/royal householdnAHD W7 LRC
Englishconstantsteadfast, resoluteadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishconstituteto appoint to office/function/dignityvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishcontrastto oppose/comparevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishcost, costto require specified payment/expenditurevb.strAHD W7 LRC
Englishdesistto cease to act/proceedvb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishdestineto predeterminevb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishdestitutelacking something needed/desirableadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishdiastaseamylase, mixture of enzymes from maltnAHD W7 LRC
Englishdistantaway, separated in spaceadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishecstasyoverwhelming delightnAHD W7 LRC
Englishenstatitemagnesium silicate pyroxenenAHD LRC
Englishepistasissuppression of genetic effect by nonallelic genenAHD W7 LRC
EnglishepistylearchitravenAHD W7 LRC
Englishestablishto make firm/stablevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishestaminetsmall cafenAHD W7 LRC
Englishestanciaranch, farmsteadnAHD LRC
Englishestatestate, conditionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishetagerecabinet: tier of open shelvesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishetaminelight cotton/worsted fabric with open meshnAHD W7 LRC
Englishexistto have being (whether material/spiritual)vb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishextantstanding out/aboveadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishforestallto intercept; hinder/preventvb.transAHD W7 LRC
EnglishHindustanhistorical region of Indiaprop.nAHD LRC
Englishhist(o)-body tissuepfxAHD LRC
Englishhistogrambar graph of frequency distributionnAHD LRC
Englishhypostasissomething that settles at bottom of fluidnAHD W7 LRC
Englishhypostylehaving roof resting on columns in rowsadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishiconostasisscreen/partition separating bema from nave in Eastern churchnAHD W7 LRC
Englishinsistto take resolute stand/coursevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishinstanturgent, importunateadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishinstantmoment, infinitesimal space of timenAHD W7 LRC
Englishinstaurationrestoration after lapse/decay/dilapidationnAHD W7 LRC
Englishinstituteto establish in official positionvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishintersticeinterval, space intervening between thingsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishisostasysubjected to same pressure on all sidesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishmetastasischange of form/state/positionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishobstacleobstruction, something that opposes/stands in waynAHD W7 LRC
Englishobstetricre: childbirthadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishobstinateresolutely adhering to course/opinion/purpose despite reason/argument/persuasionadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishoustto dispossess, eject from/deprive of position/propertyvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishperistylecolonnade surrounding court/buildingnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpersistto go on stubbornly/resolutely despite warning/opposition/importunityvb.intransAHD W7 LRC
Englishpostcolumn, pillar, piece of timber/metal fixed in upright positionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishprostatere: prostate glandadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishprostituteto offer indiscriminate sexual intercourse for moneyvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishresistto withstand force/effect ofvbAHD W7 LRC
EnglishrestremaindernAHD W7 LRC
EnglishrestharrowOld World plant with trifoliate leavesnAHD LRC
Englishrestituteto restore to former state/positionvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishrestivebalky, stubbornly resisting controladjAHD W7 LRC
Englishrestoreto return, give backvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishshtetlsmall Jewish town/villagenAHD LRC
Englishsolsticepoint on ecliptic at maximum distance from celestial equatornAHD W7 LRC
Englishstablefixed, steadfast, firmly establishedadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishstablebuilding for domestic animalsnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishStaddleBree village in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishstaddlebase, support, foundation, platform for hay/straw stacknAHD W7 LRC
Englishstagestep, one of series of stations/positions one above anothernAHD W7 LRC
Englishstallto mislead, employ delaying tacticsvbAHD LRC
Englishstamenmicrosporophyll of seed plantnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstammelcoarse woolen clothnAHD LRC
EnglishstancestationnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstanchto stop/check flowvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishstanchionupright bar/post/supportnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstand, stoodto support oneself erect on feetvb.strAHD W7 LRC
Englishstandact of standing, stopping/staying in placenW7 LRC
Englishstanzastrophe, division of poemnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstaretsspiritual director/religious teacher/counselor in Eastern Orthodox ChurchnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstarlingprotecting structure of piles around bridge piernAHD W7 LRC
Englishstasisslowing/stoppage of normal body fluid flownAHD W7 LRC
English-statstabilizing agent/devicen.sfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishstatemode/condition of being; people occupying definite territorynAHD W7 LRC
Englishstaticexerting force via weight alone, without motionadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishstaticethrift, sea lavendernAHD W7 LRC
Englishstationplace/position where someone/something is assigned to stand/remainnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstatisticsmathematics dealing with collection/analysis/interpretation and presentation of numeric datanAHD W7 LRC
Englishstativere: state, conditionadjAHD LRC
Englishstato-restingpfxAHD W7 LRC
Englishstatorstationary machine part in/about which rotor revolvesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstatueperson/animal likeness modeled/sculptured in solid substancenAHD W7 LRC
Englishstaturenatural height (of person) in upright positionnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstatusstanding, position re: rank/conditionnAHD CDC LRC
Englishstatutelaw enacted by legislative branch of governmentnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstauroliteiron aluminum silicate mineral in prismatic orthorhombic crystalsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstayto pause, stop going forwardvbAHD W7 LRC
Englishsteadplace, localitynAHD W7 LRC
EnglishsteedhorsenAHD W7 LRC
Englishsteermale bovine (castrated before sexual maturity)nAHD W7 LRC
Englishsteerto direct coursevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishstemmain trunk of tree/other plantnAHD W7 LRC
Englishsternrear end of boatnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstetto let stand, annotate signalling retentionvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishstirkyoung bull/cownAHD W7 LRC
Englishstithyanvil; smithynAHD W7 LRC
Englishstoaancient Greek portico with front colonnade offering sheltered promenadenAHD W7 LRC
Englishstoicadherent of stoicismnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstoicismphilosophical school founded by Zeno of Citium ca. 300 BCnLRC
Englishstoolshort chair without back/arms supported by legs/central pedestalnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishStoorshobbit clan in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.n.plLRC
Englishstoreto supply, furnishvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishstoundhour, time, while, periodnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstowto lodge, housevb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishstudscantling, upright in building wall for fastening sheathing/paneling/lathnAHD W7 LRC
Englishstudanimal, esp. horse, kept for breedingnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishstyliteChristian ascetic living atop pillarnAHD W7 LRC
Englishsubsistto be, have existencevbAHD W7 LRC
Englishsubstanceessence, essential naturenAHD W7 LRC
Englishsubstituteperson/thing that takes another's placenAHD W7 LRC
Englishsuperstitionbelief/practice resulting from chance/ignorance/trust in magic/fear of unknownnAHD W7 LRC
Englishsysteminteracting/interdependent set of items forming unified wholenAHD W7 LRC
Englishunderstand, understoodto comprehend, grasp meaning ofvb.strAHD W7 LRC
Middle EnglishsterbordstarboardnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishapostasieapostasynW7 LRC
Middle EnglisharestarrestnCDC LRC
Middle Englishar(r)estento arrestvbW7 CDC LRC
Middle Englishassistento assistvbAHD LRC
Middle Englishbestedplaced, situatedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Middle EnglishcircumstancecircumstancenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishconestableconstablenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishconstantconstantadjW7 LRC
Middle Englishcostento costvbW7 LRC
Middle Englishdestinento destinevbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishdestitutedestituteadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishdistantdistantadjW7 LRC
Middle Englishestablissento establishvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishestatestatenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishextasieecstasynW7 LRC
Middle Englishforstallento forestallvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishinstantinstantnW7 LRC
Middle Englishinstitutento institutevbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishobstacleobstaclenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishobstinateobstinateadjW7 LRC
Middle Englishpostpost (in the ground)nW7 LRC
Middle Englishresistento resistvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishrestiverestiveadjW7 LRC
Middle Englishrestorento restorevbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishsolsticesolsticenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstablestablenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstaciounstationnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstadelingstarlingnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstagestagenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstanchonstanchionnW7 LRC
Middle Englishstandento standvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstatstatenW7 LRC
Middle Englishstathelbase, framework, foundationnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstatuestatuenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstaturestaturenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstatutestatutenW7 LRC
Middle Englishstaunchento stanchnW7 LRC
Middle Englishstayento stayvbW7 LRC
Middle Englishsted(e)stead, place; farmnW7 LRC
Middle Englishstedento placevbW7 LRC
Middle Englishsteeryoung oxnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstemstemnW7 LRC
Middle Englishsterento steervbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishsternsternnW7 LRC
Middle Englishstirkyoung bull/cownW7 LRC
Middle Englishstith(y)anvilnW7 LRC
Middle Englishstod(e)studnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstoicstoicnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstoolstoolnW7 LRC
Middle Englishstorento storevbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstoundstoundnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishstoweplacenW7 LRC
Middle Englishstowento placevbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishsubstancesubstancenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishsubstitutesubstitutenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishsupersticionsuperstitionnW7 LRC
Middle Englishunderstandento understandvbW7 LRC
Old Englishforesteallforestalling, leaping beforen.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishstæþbankn.mascGED LRC
Old Englishstāllplacen.str.neutGED LRC
Old Englishstamn, stemnstemn.mascGED LRC
Old Englishstandan, stōd, stōdon, standento standvb.strGED ASD LRC
Old Englishstaþol, staþel, staþulstaddlen.str.mascGED ASD LRC
Old Englishstēdasteed, stallion, cameln.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishstedestead, site, locationn.mascGED LRC
Old Englishstefnstem; prow, sternn.mascLRC
Old Englishstēor-steeringpfxW7 LRC
Old Englishstēorsteer, young ox/bulln.mascW7 LRC
Old Englishstēor-bordstarboard, lit. steer(ing)-boardn.neutLRC
Old Englishstīeranto steervbW7 LRC
Old Englishsti(o)rc, styriccalf, young bull/cown.neutW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishstōdstud (horse); herd of horsesn.neutGED LRC
Old Englishstōlstool, chairn.mascGED LRC
Old Englishstōrgreat, stout, strong, potent, violentadjIEW ASD LRC
Old Englishstōwplacen.str.femLRC
Old Englishstōwianto restrainvb.wkGED ASD LRC
Old Englishstudu, stuðustud, post, pillarn.femW7 ASD LRC
Old Englishstundstoundn.femW7 LRC
Old Englishunder-standanto understand, observevb.strW7 ASD LRC
West Germanic
Dutchstuur-boordstarboard, lit. steer(ing)-boardnASD LRC
DutchstadtownnTLL LRC
Dutchstamstem: tree trunknTLL LRC
Dutchstiersteer, bullnTLL LRC
Dutchstoelstool, chairnTLL LRC
Old Saxonstadalsite, shed, staddlen.masc.strGED LRC
Old SaxonstaðbanknGED LRC
Old Saxonstamnstem, prow, sternnASD LRC
Old Saxonstānto standvb.contGED LRC
Old Saxonstandanto standvbGED LRC
Old Saxonstedisite, (home)stead, locationnGED LRC
Old Saxonstēnto standvb.contGED LRC
Old Saxonstōlstool, chairnGED LRC
Old SaxonstundastoundnASD LRC
Old Low Germanstiersteer, young bullnASD LRC
Middle Low Germanstēdefirm, constantadjGED LRC
Middle Low Germanstōd, stōtpen, corralnGED LRC
Middle Low Germanstouwen, stōwen, stūwento stow, heap upvb.wkGED LRC
Old Frisianstānto standvb.contGED LRC
Old Frisiansted, stid, steithsite, (home)stead, locationnGED ASD LRC
Old FrisianstethbanknGED LRC
Old Frisianstevnestem, prow, sternnASD LRC
Old FrisianstōplacenGED LRC
Old FrisianstōðstudnGED LRC
Old Frisianstōlstool, chairnGED LRC
Old Frisianstonda, standato standvbGED ASD LRC
Old FrisianstundestoundnASD LRC
Old High Germangi-stuomiquietadjGED LRC
Old High GermanpfostopostnW7 LRC
Old High Germanstadalsite, shed, staddlen.str.mascGED LRC
Old High Germanstad(o)bankn.str.mascGED ASD LRC
Old High Germanstāmto standvbGED LRC
Old High Germanstam(m)stemn.str.mascGED ASD LRC
Old High Germanstānto standvb.contGED LRC
Old High Germanstantanto standvb.strGED LRC
Old High Germanstārke, sterkestirk, young cow that has not calvednASD LRC
Old High Germanstatsite, (home)stead, locationn.str.femGED LRC
Old High Germanstātifirm, steady, establishedadjGED LRC
Old High Germanstedirlanding placenGED LRC
Old High Germanstēnto standvb.contGED LRC
Old High Germanstiorsteer, young oxnW7 LRC
Old High Germanstouwento accuse, commandvb.wkGED LRC
Old High Germanstūa-tagolast judgmentn.str.mascGED LRC
Old High Germanstūēnto repentvb.wkGED LRC
Old High Germanstuntastound, hournW7 LRC
Old High Germanstuol, stōlstool, chairn.str.mascGED ASD LRC
Old High Germanstuotstud, herd of horses for breeding, maren.str.femGED LRC
Middle High Germansterke, stirkestirknASD LRC
GermanStadenlandnGED LRC
GermanstädtischurbanadjTLL LRC
GermanStatistikstatistics, study of political facts/figuresnW7 LRC
GermanstattinsteadadvTLL LRC
Germanstauento stow, heap upvbLRC
Germanstehento standvbLRC
GermanStiersteer, young oxn.mascLRC
GermanStuhlstool, chairn.mascLRC
GermanungestümvehementadjGED LRC
North Germanic
Icelandicstjórn-borðistarboard, lit. steer(ing)-boardnASD LRC
Old Icelandiceld-stōhearthn.femGED LRC
Old Icelandicstaðrsite, (home)stead, locationn.mascGED LRC
Old Icelandicstandato standvbGED LRC
Old Icelandicstōðstandard, stud of horsesnGED LRC
Old Icelandicstōllstool, chairnGED LRC
Old Icelandicstǫðplace of landingn.femGED LRC
Old Icelandicstǫðullplace, staddlen.str.mascGED LRC
Old Icelandicstœðato make stand, confirm; bring to a standstillvb.wkGED LRC
Old Icelandicstœðrstanding firmlyvb.gerGED LRC
Icelandiceld-stófireplacenASD LRC
IcelandicstaðrsteadnASD LRC
Icelandicstafn, stamnprow, sternnASD LRC
Icelandicstandato standvbASD LRC
Icelandicstjórrsteer, young bullnASD LRC
Icelandicstoðstud, post, pillar,n.femASD LRC
Icelandicstóðstud (horse); herd of horsesn.neutASD LRC
Icelandicstóllseat, thronenASD LRC
IcelandicstundstoundnASD LRC
Norwegianstadbank of rivernGED LRC
Danishstyr-bordstarboardnASD LRC
Swedishstyr-bordstarboardnASD LRC
Danishetagefloor, storynTLL LRC
Danishstaato standvbGED LRC
Danishstammestem: tree trunknTLL LRC
Danishstodstud (horse); herd of horsesnASD LRC
Danishstolstool, chairnLRC
Danishtyrsteer, bullnTLL LRC
Swedishstadtown, citynTLL LRC
Swedishstamstem: tree trunknTLL LRC
Swedishstolstool, chairnTLL LRC
Swedishståto standvbGED LRC
Swedishtjursteer, bullnTLL LRC
Old Norsestaðrplace, spot, dwelling; part; way, respectn.mascLRC
Old Norsestandato stand (firm), be in a place; weighvbLRC
Old Norsesteþianvil; smithynW7 LRC
Old Norsestjōrnact of steeringnW7 LRC
Old Norsestórrgreat, hugeadjLRC
Old Norsestundstound, hourn.femLRC
Old Norsestyðja, styðjaddto (provide with/use as) support; stab/pierce from all sidesvbLRC
Old Norsestýra, stýraðto steer, direct; wield, ownvbLRC
Old Norseþjórrsteer, bullnKNW LRC
Old Irishsiss-to stand upvbGED LRC
Old Irishtair-(s)issimto remain standingvbLRC
Old Irishtamantree trunknGED LRC
Old Irish-tāuI amvb.1.sgGED LRC
Old Irish-tōI amvb.1.sgGED LRC
Middle Irishsamaigimto set downvbGED LRC
Bretonsevellto standvbGED LRC
Cornishsevellto standvbGED LRC
Welshsefyllto standvbGED LRC
East Germanic
Gothicana-stodeinsbeginningn.femGED LRC
Gothic*anda-staþjisadversaryn.mascGED LRC
Gothicstabselement, rudimentnASD LRC
Gothicstandanto standvb.str.VIGED LRC
Gothicstaþsplace, region; land, shoren.str.mascGED LRC
Gothicstauajudgment, chargen.femGED LRC
Gothicstiurssteer, calfnASD LRC
Gothicstojanto judgevb.wk.IGED LRC
Gothicstolsstool, chair, thronen.mascGED LRC
Gothic*stomaconfidence, substancenGED LRC
Gothic*unga-stoþshomelessadjGED LRC
Crimean Gothic*staþ, statzland: bank, shorenCGo GED LRC
Crimean Gothicstulstool, chairnGED LRC
Latinarmaweaponsn.neut.plW7 LRC
Latinassisto, assistereto help, stand byvbW7 LRC
Latincaelestis, caelestis, caelestecelestialadjLRC
Latincircumstans, circumstantisstanding aroundadjW7 LRC
Latincircumstantiacircumstancen.femW7 LRC
Latincircumsto, circumstareto stand aroundvbW7 LRC
Latinconsisto, consistereto stand still, stopvbW7 LRC
Latinconstans, constantisconstant, standing togetheradjW7 LRC
Latinconstituo, constituereto set up, constitutevbW7 LRC
Latinconstitutusdecided, set upvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinconsto, constareto stand firm, be consistentvbW7 LRC
Latindesisto, desistereto withdrawvbW7 LRC
Latindestino, destināreto fix, designatevbW7 LRC
Latindestituo, destituereto abandon, deprivevbW7 LRC
Latindestitutusdeprived, abandonedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latindistans, distantisdistant, awayadjW7 LRC
Latindisto, distareto stand apartvbW7 LRC
Latinepistyliumepistylen.neutW7 LRC
Latinexsisto, exsistereto come into being, existvbW7 LRC
Latinexstans, exstantisextant, existingadjW7 LRC
Latinexsto, exstareto stand out, be in existencevbW7 LRC
Latininsisto, insistereto stand upon, persistvbW7 LRC
Latininstans, instantisstanding upon, urgingvb.pres.ptcW7 LRC
Latininstauratioinstauration, setting upn.femW7 LRC
Latininstauratusinstaured, set upvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latininstauro, instaurāreto renew, restorevbW7 LRC
Latininstituo, instituereto set up, institutevbW7 LRC
Latininstitutusset up, institutedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latininsto, instāreto stand upon, urgevbW7 LRC
Latinintersisto, intersistereto stand still in the middlevbW7 LRC
Latininterstitusseparated at intervalsvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinobstaculumobstaclen.neutW7 LRC
Latinobstetrix, obstetricismidwifen.femW7 LRC
Latinobstinatus, obstinata, obstinatumobstinateadjLRC
Latinobstinatusresolvedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinobstino, obstināreto be resolvedvbW7 LRC
Latinobsto, obstareto resist, hinder, oppose, stand in wayvbW7 LRC
Latinperistylumperistylen.neutW7 LRC
Latinpersisto, persistereto remain, persistvbW7 LRC
Latinpostisdoor(post); organ of sightn.mascW7 LRC
Latinprostituo, prostituereto expose, to prostitutevbW7 LRC
Latinprostitutusprostitutedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinresisto, resistereto resistvbW7 LRC
Latinrestauro, restaurareto renew, rebuildvbW7 LRC
Latinrestitutusrestoredvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinresto, restareto rest, remain, stand backvbW7 LRC
Latinsisto, sistereto stand, stopvbW7 LRC
Latinsolstitiumsolsticen.neutW7 LRC
Latinstabiliō, stabilīre, stabilīvī, stabilītusto confirm, establishvbLRC
Latinstabilis, stabilis, stabilestableadjLRC
Latinstabulumstablen.neutGED LRC
Latinstāmenthread, warp in weavingn.neutGED LRC
Latinstans, stantisstandingadjW7 LRC
Latinstatimfirmly, steadfastly; regularly, immediatelyadvCLD LRC
Latinstatio, statiōnisstation, guard, act of standingn.femGED LRC
Latinstatorone that standsn.mascW7 LRC
Latinstatuastatuen.femW7 LRC
Latinstatuo, statuereto set upvbW7 LRC
Latinstatura, staturaestature, heightn.femLRC
Latinstatusstaten.mascW7 LRC
Latinstatusplaced, standingvb.ptcGED LRC
Latinstatutus, statutumdecidedvb.ptcW7 LRC
LatinsterilissterileadjW7 LRC
Latin-stitiumsuspensionsfxW7 LRC
Latinsto, stāre, steti, statumto stand, abidevbLRC
Latinstoicusre: Stoic philosophersadjW7 LRC
Latinsubsisto, subsistereto remain, come to a haltvbW7 LRC
Latinsubstans, substantisstanding under, consisting ofadjW7 LRC
Latinsubstantiasubstancen.femW7 LRC
Latinsubstituo, substituere, substitui, substitūtumto substitute, put in place ofvbW7 LRC
Latinsubsto, substareto stand under, consist ofvbW7 LRC
Latinsuperstes, superstitisstanding over (as witness/survivor)adjW7 LRC
Latinsuperstitio, superstitionissuperstition, prophesyn.femW7 LRC
Vulgar Latinarresto, arrestareto arrestvbW7 LRC
Vulgar Latincontrasto, contrastareto contrast, opposevbW7 LRC
Vulgar Latinstantiaa stayn.femW7 LRC
Vulgar Latinstantico, stanticāreto stanchvbW7 LRC
Vulgar Latinstaticumstanding stilladj.neutW7 LRC
Late Latinapostasiadefection, apostasynAHD LRC
Late Latinecstasisecstasyn.femW7 LRC
Late Latinhypostasishypostasis, settling, substancen.femW7 LRC
Late Latininterstitiumintersticen.neutW7 LRC
Late Latinmetastasistransitionn.femW7 LRC
Late Latinobsto, obstāreto ward off, be an obstaclevbW7 LRC
Late Latinstatutumlaw, regulationn.neutW7 LRC
Late Latinsubsisto, subsistereto existvbW7 LRC
Late Latinsystema, systematissystemn.neutW7 LRC
Middle Latinarresto, arrestareto arrest, restrainvb.transCDC LRC
Medieval Latininstans, instantisstandingadjW7 LRC
New Latinarmistitiumarmistice, trucen.neutW7 LRC
New Latinepistasissuppression of the effect of a genen.femW7 LRC
New Latinhypostasissomething that settles at the bottom of a fluidn.femW7 LRC
New Latinmetastasischange of position, state or formn.femW7 LRC
New Latinobstetricusrelating to childbirthadjW7 LRC
New Latinprostataprostate glandn.femW7 LRC
New LatinstaticusimmobileadjW7 LRC
New Latinstatisticusof political facts and figuresadjW7 LRC
PortuguesearmisticioarmisticenCDC LRC
Portuguesearrestarto arrestvb.transCDC LRC
Portugueseassistirto assistvbCDC LRC
Portuguesecustarto costvbTLL LRC
SpanisharmisticioarmisticenCDC LRC
Spanisharrestarto arrestvb.transCDC LRC
Spanishasistirto assistvbCDC LRC
Spanishcostarto costvbTLL LRC
SpanishestadostatenTLL LRC
Spanishestancarto stanchvbTLL LRC
Old FrenchapostasieapostasynAHD LRC
Old Frencharestarrest, delay, restraintnCDC LRC
Old Frencharesterto arrestvb.transCDC LRC
Old Frenchassisterto assistvbAHD LRC
Old Frenchconestableconstablen.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchdestinerto destinevbW7 LRC
Old Frenchestablebarnn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchestagestagen.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchestancestay, propn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchestanchonpropn.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchestatestate, staten.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchestorerto construct, restore, storevbW7 LRC
Old Frenchosterto take away, to oust awayvbW7 LRC
Old Frenchrestorerto restore, give backvbW7 LRC
Old Frenchsolsticesolsticen.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchstaturestaturen.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchstatutstatute, decisionn.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchsubstancesubstancen.femW7 LRC
Anglo-Frenchousterto expulsevbW7 LRC
Middle Frencharesterto rest, arrestvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchassisterto help, stand byvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchcircumstancecircumstancen.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchconsistto consistvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchconsisterto consistvbW7 LRC
Middle FrenchconstantconstantadjW7 LRC
Middle Frenchcontrasterto oppose, resistvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchcontresterto controlvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchcosterto costvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchdesisterto desistvbW7 LRC
Middle FrenchdistantdistantadjW7 LRC
Middle Frenchestablirto establish, settle (down)vbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchestanceposition, posture, stayn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchestancherto quenchvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchestanchonpondn.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchesterto stand, stayvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchextasieecstasy, delightn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchinsisterto insistvbW7 LRC
Middle FrenchinstanturgingadjW7 LRC
Middle Frenchobstacleobstaclen.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchpersisterto persistvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchrésisterto resistvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchrestethe restn.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchresterto remainvbW7 LRC
Middle FrenchrestiverestiveadjW7 LRC
Middle Frenchstationstation, stopn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchstatuestatuen.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchsupersticionsuperstition, pagan beliefn.femW7 LRC
Frencharmisticearmistice, final truce in warn.mascW7 LRC
Frencharrêterto arrestvb.transCDC LRC
Frenchassisterto help, stand byvbW7 LRC
Frenchcontrasterto contrastvbW7 LRC
Frenchcoûterto costvbTLL LRC
Frenchdiastaseproteic catalysern.femW7 R1 LRC
Frenchétagefloor, storyn.mascLRC
Frenchétagèreshelfn.femW7 LRC
Frenchétaminestamen, muslinn.femW7 LRC
Frenchétancherto stanchvbTLL LRC
FrenchétatstatenTLL LRC
Frenchintersticeinterstice, space in betweenn.mascW7 LRC
Frenchôterto removevbTLL LRC
Frenchpéristyleperistyle, space encircled by columnsn.mascW7 LRC
Old Occitanarrestarto arrestvb.transCDC LRC
ItalianarmistizioarmisticenCDC LRC
Italianarrestareto arrestvb.transCDC LRC
Italianassistereto assistvbCDC LRC
Italiancostareto costvbTLL LRC
Italianstanzastance, room, habitationn.femW7 LRC
Old PrussianstalistablenGED LRC
Lithuanianpastõlasstand (as for beehives)nGED LRC
Lithuanianstãčiasstandingvb.gerGED LRC
Lithuanianstãlastable, workbenchnGED LRC
Lithuanianstatýtito placevbGED LRC
Lithuanianstatùsstandingvb.gerGED LRC
LithuanianstomuõstaturenGED LRC
Lithuanianstótito stand (up), place oneselfvbGED LRC
LithuanianstovàplacenGED LRC
Lithuanianstõvailoom for weavingnGED LRC
Lithuanianstovėtito standvbGED LRC
LithuanianstõvisstatenGED LRC
Latvianatstāt, atstāju, atstājuto leave, depart, abandonvbLRC
LatvianstāliloomnGED LRC
Latvianstāmenbody, torsonGED LRC
Latvianstāvēt, stāvu, stāvējuto standvbLRC
LatvianstāviloomnGED LRC
Latvianstâvsfigure, standingnGED LRC
Latvianstāvsstature, figure, framen.mascLRC
RussianstaryĭoldadjW7 LRC
Old Slavicstolŭseat, thronenW7 LRC
Old Church Slavonicpo-statьpart, mannernGED LRC
Old Church SlavonicstavъstandnGED LRC
Old Church Slavonicstati, stanǫ, stanešito stand, place oneselfvbLRC
Old Church Slavonicstolъseat, thronen.mascLRC
Old Church Slavonicstojatito standvbGED LRC
Albanianshtetërorre: stateadjLRC
Albanianshtonto augment, increasevbLRC
Doricἵστᾱμιto place, make to standvbGED LRC
Aeolicστωίαhall with columnsnGED LRC
Homeric Greekἱστόςthing set upright: ship's mast, weaver's beamn.mascW7 LS LRC
Greekἀνίστημιto risevbLRC
Greekἀπίστημιto leave, departvbLRC
Greekἀποκαθίστημιto restorevbLRC
Greekapo-stasiarevoltn.femW7 LRC
Greeka-statosunsteadyadjW7 LRC
Greekἄ-στῡλοςlit. without prop/pillaradjLS LRC
Greekaphistasthaito revoltvbW7 LRC
Greekdia-stasisseparationn.femW7 LRC
Greekδι-ίστημιto strive, separatevbLRC
Greekekstasisecstasyn.femW7 LRC
Greekexistanaito derangevbW7 LRC
Greekἐξίστημιto be amazedvbLRC
Greekἐπίσταμαιto knowvb.depLRC
Greekepistasisact of stoppingn.femW7 LRC
Greekἕστηκαto standvb.perfGED LRC
Greekἔστηνstoodvb.aorGED LRC
Greekephistanaito stopvbW7 LRC
Greekἐφίστημιto appear, stand upvbLRC
Greekhistanaito cause to standvbW7 LRC
Greekhistasthaito standvbW7 LRC
Greekἵστημιto put, place, (cause to) standvbLRC
Greekhistionsailn.neutW7 LRC
Greekkathistanaito set in ordervbW7 LRC
Greekkatastasissettlementn.femW7 LRC
Greekmethistanaito changevbW7 LRC
Greekμεθίστημιto movevbLRC
Greekmetastasismetastasisn.femW7 LRC
Greekperistylossurrounded by a colonnadeadjW7 LRC
Greekproïstanaito put in frontvbW7 LRC
Greekprostatēschief, leadern.mascW7 LRC
Greekστάμνοςwine-jarnGED LRC
Greekστάσιςstation; standing, stoppingn.femGED LRC
Greek-statēsstanding stillafxW7 LRC
Greekstatikosstatic, causing to standadjW7 LRC
Greekστατόςplaced, standingadjGED LRC
Greekstaturoscrossn.mascW7 LRC
Greekstaurosstaken.mascW7 LRC
Greekστήμωνthread, warp in weavingn.mascGED LRC
Greekστοάstoa, hall with columnsn.femGED LRC
GreekStoaPortico at Athens where Stoic philosophers taughtprop.n.femW7 LRC
Greekstylospillar, columnn.mascW7 LRC
Greekstōïkosre: the Portico, Stoic philosphersadjW7 LRC
Greeksynistanaito combinevbW7 LRC
Greekσύστημαsystem, composition, whole compounded of partsn.neutLS LRC
Greekhypostasissupport, foundation, substance, sedimentn.femW7 LRC
GreekhypostyloshypostyleadjW7 LRC
Greekhyphistasthaito support, stand undervbW7 LRC
Late GreekapostasiadefectionnAHD LRC
Late Greekstylitēsstylite, hermite living atop pillarn.mascW7 LRC
Medieval Greekeikonostasiscrisis about imagesn.femW7 LRC
Hittiteistanta-to stay, delayvbGED LRC
Hittiteistap(p)-to covervbGED LRC
Hittitetittanu-to set upvbGED LRC
Armenianstanamto acquire, buy at auctionvbLRC
Avestanhištaitito standvbGED LRC
AvestanstāitišstationnGED LRC
Avestanstū̆nāpillarn.femGED LRC
Sanskritásthāmstoodvb.pastGED LRC
Sanskrittíṣṭhatito standvbGED LRC
Sanskritsthavirastout, thick, broadadjW7 LRC
Sanskritsthā́tar-guide (of horses/wagons)nGED LRC
Sanskritsthātár-re: that which endures, is firmadjGED LRC
Sanskritsthātrámlocation, abodenGED LRC
Sanskritsthā́maposition, strengthn.neutGED LRC
Sanskritsthitásplaced, standingadjGED LRC
SanskritsthítiṣstationnGED LRC
SanskritsthitíṣstationnGED LRC
Sanskritsthū́ṇāpillarnGED LRC
Sanskritsthūrastout, thick, broadadjW7 LRC
SanskritsthūrásbigadjGED LRC
Tocharian BstāmtreenGED LRC
Tocharian Bstārearevb.3.plGED LRC
Tocharian Bsteisvb.3.sgGED LRC
Tocharian AṣtāmtreenGED LRC