4. (s)kel-, extended klā-, klō-

to bend; crooked

Cross References - Pokorny

11. kel-kolə- : klō-

Reflexes - Pokorny

Middle EnglishcocatricecockatricenW7 LRC
EnglishChaucerGeoffrey Chaucer: 14th century English poetprop.nLRC
Englishcockatrice2-legged dragon with rooster's headnLRC
Englishcolonrhythmical speech unit: 2-6 feetnAHD W7 LRC
Englishcylinderround tubenAHD W7 LRC
Englishinculcateto teach/impress by frequent repetition/admonitionvbW7 LRC
Englishisosceleshaving two equal legs/sidesadjAHD LRC
Englishschillerlustrous colored reflection in mineral grainnAHD LRC
Englishscolex(head of) tapewormnAHD W7 LRC
Englishscoliosislateral curvature of spinenAHD W7 LRC
Englishtriskelionfigure comprising 3 bent/curved branches radiating from centernAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Dutchkoushose, stockingnTLL LRC
GermanSchillerschiller, iridescencen.mascLRC
North Germanic
Old Norseskjálfato shake, tremblevbLRC
Swedishkalsongerpantiesn.plTLL SAO LRC
Latincalcar, calcārisspur, stimulus, incitementn.neutIEW CLD LRC
LatincalceusshoenIEW LRC
Latincalcō, calcāreto tread uponvbIEW LRC
Latincalx, calcisheeln.femIEW CLD LRC
Latincōloncolon: part of poem/versenAHD W7 LRC
Latincylindrusroll, cylindern.mascW7 LRC
Latininculcō, inculcāreto inculcate, mix/tread in, force uponvbLRC
New Latinscolex, scolicisworm, scolexn.mascW7 LRC
New Latinscoliosisscoliosis, crookedness of body partn.femW7 LRC
New Latintriskelionfigure comprising 3 bent branchesn.neutW7 LRC
Spanishcalcarto trace linesvbLRC
Old FrenchcocatriscockatricenLRC
Anglo-Frenchchauceheel; hose, shoe, footwearnLRC
Anglo-Frenchchaucercobbler, shoemakernLRC
Anglo-Frenchchaucerto put on shoesvbLRC
Anglo-Frenchchaucherto tread, tramplevbLRC
Anglo-Frenchchauçureshoe, footwearnLRC
Middle Frenchcylindreroll, cylindern.mascW7 LRC
Frenchchausserto put on shoesvbLRC
Italiancalciareto kickvbLRC
Italiancalciatoresoccer playernLRC
Homeric Greekκυλίνδωto rollvbLRC
Homeric Greekσκέλοςleg, upper thighn.neutLRC
Homeric Greekσκολιόςcrooked, perverseadjLRC
Homeric Greekσκώληξworm, scolexn.mascLRC
Greekkylindroscylindern.mascW7 LRC
Greekκῶλονleg, limb; part, member; clause, colonn.neutLS LRC
Greekskoliōsisscoliosis, crookedness of body partn.femW7 LRC
Greektriskelēsthree-leggedadjW7 LRC