3. sel-

to grab, seize, take

Reflexes - Liv

NYI[gr. εἷλον ‘nahm’{2}NYI..LIV TOL
NYI[lat. cōn-suluī ‘versammelte, beriet …’NYI..LIV TOL
NYIlat. cōn-sulō, -ere ‘versammeln, beraten, beschließen, befragen’{3}NYI..LIV TOL
NYIgot. saljan ‘opfern’, an. (+) selja ‘übergeben, verkaufen’{4}NYI..LIV TOL

Reflexes - Pokorny

Old Irishsellaimto takevbRPN LRC
Old Englishsǣltime, season, occasion; happinessn.neutASD LRC
Old Englishsǣligsilly, blessed, fortunateadjW7 LRC
Old Englishsalasalen.mascASD LRC
Old EnglishsalusalenRPN LRC
Old Englishsellan, sillan, sylianto sell, give, lend, supplyvb.wkRPN ASD LRC
Old Englishsel(l)en, sylengift, grantn.femRPN ASD LRC
Middle EnglishconsulconsulnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishhansellhandselnW7 LRC
Middle Englishhilaritehilarity, good spiritsnAHD LRC
Middle EnglishsalesalenW7 LRC
Middle Englishsellento sellvbW7 LRC
Middle Englishsely, sillysilly; happy, innocentadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishsolassolacenW7 LRC
Englishconsoleto alleviate griefvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishconsulchief magistrate of republicnW7 LRC
Englishconsulateoffice/jurisdiction of consulnW7 LRC
Englishconsultto confer with, solicit advice fromvbW7 LRC
Englishconsultantexpert, one who consults/gives advicenW7 LRC
EnglishcounseladvicenTLL LRC
Englishcounselto advisevbTLL LRC
Englishcounsellorone who counselsnLRC
Englishexhilarateto enliven, make cheerfulvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishhandselgift as token of good luck/wishesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishhilariousre: hilarityadjAHD LRC
Englishhilaritymirth, great merrimentnAHD LRC
Englishsaleact of sellingnAHD W7 LRC
Englishsell, soldto betray, deliver/give up (violating trust/duty/loyalty)vbAHD W7 LRC
Englishsillyweak, helpless, defenseless, pitiableadjAHD OED LRC
Englishsolacealleviation of grief/anxietynAHD W7 LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisiansellato sell, give, payvbASD LRC
DutchconsulaatconsulatenTLL LRC
Old Saxonsāligsilly, blessed, fortunateadjASD LRC
Old Saxonsellianto sell, givevbASD LRC
Old Low Germansālig, sēligsilly, blessed, fortunateadjASD LRC
Old High Germansalasale, surrender, giving up/overn.femASD LRC
Old High Germansāligsilly, happyadjW7 LRC
Old High Germansellantradersn.plASD LRC
Old High Germansellento sell, deliver, hand overvbRPN LRC
GermanKonsulatconsulatenTLL LRC
North Germanic
Old Norsesalasalen.femASD LRC
Old Icelandicseljato sell, give upvbRPN LRC
Icelandicsælajoy, bliss, happinessnASD LRC
DanishkonsulatconsulatenTLL LRC
SwedishkonsulatconsulatenTLL LRC
East Germanic
Gothicsaljato offer sacrificevbRPN LRC
Gothicsaljanto sell, offervbASD LRC
GothicsēleigoodnessnASD LRC
Latinconsilium, consiliicounseln.neutLRC
Latinconsul, consulisconsuln.mascLRC
Latincōnsulō, cōnsulereto reflect, take counselvbLRC
Latinexhilaratusmade cheerfulvb.ptcW7 LRC
Latinexhilaro, exhilarareto make cheerfulvbW7 LRC
Latinhilaro, hilarareto gladdenvbW7 LRC
Latinhilarusglad, cheerfuladjW7 LRC
Latinsolaciumact of consolingn.neutW7 LRC
Latinsolor, solārito consolevb.depW7 LRC
PortugueseconselhocounselnTLL LRC
SpanishconsejocounselnTLL LRC
Old Frenchsolassolacen.femW7 LRC
FrenchconseilcounselnTLL LRC
Frenchconsolerto console, comfortvbW7 LRC
ItalianconsigliocounselnTLL LRC
Greekἐλεῖνto take, seizevbRPN LRC
Greekἑλώριονspoils, bootyn.neutLRC
Greekἱλᾰρόςmerry, joyous, cheerful, hilariousadjW7 LRC