pōu- : pəu- : pū̆-

few, small, little; young (of animals)

Reflexes - Pokorny

EnglishWindfolaEowyn's horse in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishcatchpolesheriff's deputynAHD W7 LRC
Englishdepauperatefalling short in natural size/developmentadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishencyclopediawork containing information re: all branches of knowledgenAHD W7 LRC
Englishfewnot many (persons/things)adjAHD W7 LRC
Englishfillyyoung female horsenAHD W7 LRC
Englishfoalyoung animal of horse familynAHD W7 LRC
Englishimpoverishto make poor, induce povertyvb.transAHD W7 LRC
Englishorthopedicscorrection/prevention of skeletal deformitiesnAHD W7 LRC
Englishparaffinflammable waxy crystalline substancenAHD W7 LRC
Englishparvovirusinfective agent with DNA in icosahedral protein shellnAHD LRC
Englishpaucityfewness, smallness in numbernAHD W7 LRC
EnglishPaulmale given name; Apostle to the Gentiles (New Testament)prop.nLRC
Englishpauperperson destitute of meansnAHD W7 LRC
EnglishpocosomewhatadvAHD W7 LRC
Englishpococurantecareless, indifferent, apatheticadjAHD LRC
Englishpoltrooncraven, spiritless cowardnAHD W7 LRC
Englishponysmall horsenAHD W7 LRC
Englishpoolaggregate stake to which game players have contributednAHD W7 LRC
Englishpoorlacking material possessions, re: povertyadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishpoulardyoung hen spayed for fatteningnAHD LRC
EnglishpoulterpoulterernCDC LRC
Englishpoultererpoultry sellernCDC LRC
Englishpoultrydomesticated bird(s) kept for meat/eggsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpovertywant, lack of money/material possessionsnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpuerilejuvenile, childishadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishpuerperalre: parturitionadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishpulletyoung hennAHD W7 LRC
EnglishputtoRenaissance artistic representation of small childnAHD LRC
Old EnglishcæcepolcatchpolenW7 LRC
Old Englishfēa(wa)fewadjASD LRC
Old Englishfolafoal, coltn.mascASD LRC
Middle EnglishcacchepolcatchpolenW7 LRC
Middle EnglishdepauperatdepauperateadjW7 LRC
Middle Englishenpoverisento impoverishvbW7 LRC
Middle EnglishfewefewadjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishfolefoalnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishfylyfillynW7 LRC
Middle EnglishpaucitepaucitynW7 LRC
Middle Englishpoletpullet, young fowlnW7 LRC
Middle EnglishpourepooradjW7 LRC
Middle EnglishpovertepovertynW7 LRC
Middle EnglishpultriepoultrynW7 LRC
West Germanic
Old FrisianfēfewadjASD LRC
Old Frisianfollafoaln.mascASD LRC
FrisianfolefoalnASD LRC
Dutchvolen, veulenfoaln.neutASD LRC
Old SaxonfāhfewadjASD LRC
Low Germanfalen, valefoalnASD LRC
Low Germanfege, vögefewadjASD LRC
Old High GermanfōlittleadjW7 LRC
Old High GermanfōhfewadjASD LRC
Old High Germanfolofoal, young animaln.mascASD LRC
Old High Germanfulichick, young animaln.neutASD LRC
Middle High Germanvol(e)foaln.mascASD LRC
Middle High Germanvüli, vulnfoaln.neutASD LRC
Germanfohlefoaln.mascASD LRC
Germanfüllenfoaln.neutASD LRC
GermanParaffinparaffinn.neutW7 LRC
North Germanic
Old NorsefárfewadjLRC
Old NorsefyljafoalnW7 LRC
IcelandicfārfewadjASD LRC
Icelandicfolifoaln.mascASD LRC
DanishfaafewadjASD LRC
Danishfolefoaln.mascASD LRC
Danishfølfoaln.neutASD LRC
Swedishfölfoaln.neutASD LRC
SwedishfåfewadjASD LRC
East Germanic
Gothicfaus, fawsfewadjASD LRC
Gothicfulafoaln.mascASD LRC
Latinaffinisbordering on, related by marriageadjW7 LRC
Latinparō, parāreto prepare, make ready; acquire, obtainvbW7 LRC
Latinparo, parereto give birth tovbW7 LRC
Latinparumtoo littleadvLRC
Latinparvulus, parvula, parvulumchildhoodadjLRC
Latinparvus, parva, parvumsmalladjLRC
Latinpaucitās, paucitātisscarcityn.femW7 LRC
Latinpaucusfew, littleadjW7 LRC
LatinPaulusPauln.mascW7 LRC
LatinpauperpooradjW7 LRC
Latinpauperō, pauperāreto impoverishvbW7 LRC
Latinpaupertās, paupertātispovertyn.femW7 LRC
Latinpuer, pueriboy, childn.mascLRC
Latinpuerilischildish, of childrenadjW7 LRC
Latinpuerperawoman in childbirthn.femW7 LRC
Latinpullusyoung chicken/animal, sproutn.mascW7 LRC
Late Latinpulluschickenn.mascW7 LRC
Medieval Latindepauperatusimpoverishedvb.ptcW7 LRC
Medieval Latindepauperō, depauperāreto impoverishvbW7 LRC
Medieval Latinencyclopaediageneral educationn.femW7 LRC
Medieval Latinpullanusponyn.mascW7 LRC
Portuguesepobrepoor, impoverishedadjTLL LRC
Spanishpobrepoor, impoverishedadjTLL LRC
Spanishpocosmall, little (in quantity)adjW7 LRC
Old Frenchpoletpoultryn.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchpoulcockn.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchpoulehenn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchpouletpullet, small chickenn.masc.dimW7 LRC
Old Frenchpouleteriepoultryn.femW7 LRC
Old Frenchpouletierpoulterern.mascW7 LRC
Old Frenchpovertépovertyn.femW7 LRC
Old FrenchpovrepooradjW7 LRC
Old North Frenchcachepolchicken chasern.mascW7 LRC
Old North Frenchpolchickenn.mascW7 LRC
Middle Frenchempovrirto impoverishvbW7 LRC
Middle Frenchempovriss-to impoverishstemW7 LRC
Middle Frenchpaucitépaucity, being fewn.femW7 LRC
Middle Frenchpouletpullet, small chickenn.masc.dimW7 LRC
Middle Frenchpouleteriepoultryn.femW7 LRC
Middle FrenchpoultroncowardadjW7 LRC
Middle FrenchpovrepooradjW7 LRC
Frenchpauvrepoor, impoverishedadjTLL LRC
Frenchpoulaincoltn.mascW7 LRC
Frenchpoulehenn.femW7 LRC
FrenchpuérilepuerileadjW7 LRC
Old Italianpoltrocoltn.mascW7 LRC
Old Italianpoltronecoltn.mascW7 LRC
Italianpòcolittle, smalladvW7 LRC
Italianpoveropoor, impoverishedadjTLL LRC
Greekπαιδείαchild-rearingn.femAHD LS LRC
Greekπαιδίονyoung childn.neutLRC
Greekπαῖς, παιδόςchild; slave, servantn.mascLS LRC
GreekPaulosPauln.mascW7 LRC
SanskritputrasonnW7 LRC