peu̯ōr, pū̆r, genitive pu-n-és, locative puu̯éni


Reflexes - Pokorny

EnglishFire-mountainOrodruin, a.k.a. Mount Doom in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
EnglishFirefootEomer's horse in Tolkien: The Lord of the Ringsprop.nLRC
Englishempyrealcelestial, re: highest heavenadjAHD W7 LRC
Englishfirecombustion manifested as heat/light/flamenAHD W7 LRC
Englishpyrecombustible heap for burning body as funeral ritenAHD W7 LRC
Englishpyreticfebrile, re: feveradjAHD W7 LRC
Englishpyriteiron sulfide: gold/brass-colored mineralnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpyritesmetallic sulfide mineralnAHD LRC
Englishpyro-fire, heatpfxAHD LRC
EnglishpyrosisheartburnnAHD W7 LRC
Englishpyrrhotiteferrous sulfide: bronze-colored mineralnAHD W7 LRC
Scots EnglishfyrefirenASD LRC
Old Englishfȳr, fīrfire, hearthn.neutRPN ASD LRC
Middle EnglishfirefirenW7 LRC
West Germanic
Old Frisianfior, fiurfiren.neutASD LRC
FrisianfjœrfirenASD LRC
Dutchvuurfiren.neutASD LRC
Old Saxonfiurfiren.neutASD LRC
Low Germanfüer, vü(e)rfiren.neutASD LRC
Old High Germanfiurfiren.neutRPN ASD LRC
Middle High Germanviu(we)r, viwerfiren.neutASD LRC
GermanFeuerfiren.neutASD LRC
GermanPyrrhotinpyrrhotitenW7 LRC
North Germanic
Old Icelandicfúrrfiren.mascRPN ASD LRC
Danishfyrfiren.mascASD LRC
Swedishfyrfire, beacon, lighthousen.mascASD LRC
East Germanic
Gothicfōn, funinsfirenRPN LRC
UmbrianpirfirenRPN LRC
Latinpyrapyren.femW7 LRC
Late Latinempyreus, empyriusempyrealadjW7 LRC
New Latinpyrosisheartburnn.femW7 LRC
Old PrussianpannofirenRPN LRC
Old Czechpúřembers, glowing ashesnRPN LRC
Homeric Greekπῦρfiren.neutLRC
Greekpyrapyren.femW7 LRC
Greekpyretikosre: feveradjW7 LRC
Greekpyretosfevern.mascW7 LRC
Greekπυρίηvapor bathn.femLRC
Greekpyritēsre: fireadjW7 LRC
Greekpyrounto burnvbW7 LRC
GreekpyrrhosredadjW7 LRC
Greekpyrrhotēsrednessn.femW7 LRC
Greekpyrōsisburningn.femW7 LRC
Late Greekempyriosempyreal, re: fire withinadjW7 LRC
Luwianpa-a-h̯u-u-urfirenRPN LRC
Hittitepa-ah̯-h̯u-e-na-ašof firen.gen.sgRPN LRC
Hittitepa-ah̯-h̯urfirenRPN LRC
Hittitepa-ah̯-h̯u-urfirenRPN LRC
Hittitepa-ah̯-h̯u-wa-arfirenRPN LRC
ArmenianhurfirenRPN LRC
Tocharian BpuwarfirenRPN LRC
Tocharian AporfirenRPN LRC