Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
NYI | [toch.A 3s Med. pakät ‘kochte (intr.)’{1} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ?[toch. Konj. III Abstr. B pkelñe, A pkalune ‘kochen; reifen’{2a} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [toch.B pakṣäṃ ‘kocht (tr.)’, Med. pakṣtär ‘reift, kocht (intr.)’; A Ipf. päkṣānt ‘kochten (tr.)’{7} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [toch.A päknäṣtär ‘reift, kocht (intr.)’{8} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | toch. PP B pepeku, A pakku ‘gereift; gekocht’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. pácanti ‘sie kochen, braten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. pácyate ‘wird reif’{3} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | {5}## ved. Konj. pákṣat ‘wird kochen, braten’{6} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | ved. pece ‘habe mir gekocht’, (AV) papā́ca ‘hat gekocht’{9} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | jav. -pacaiti ‘kocht, backt, brät’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lat. coquō, -ere ‘kochen, backen, braten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | lat. coxī ‘kochte, buk, briet’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | kymr. pob- ‘backen’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | [lit. kepù, (kèpti) ‘backen, braten’{2} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | aksl. pekǫ, (pešti) ‘backen, braten’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | alb. pjek ‘bäckt, brät’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. πέσσω, att. πέττω ‘lasse reifen, verdaue, koche’{4} | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
NYI | gr. ἔπεψα ‘kochte, verdaute’ | NYI | .. | LIV TOL |
Language | Reflex(es) | Gloss | Grammar | Sources |
Celtic |
Irish | coca | cook | n | ASD LRC |
Irish | cucann | kitchen | n | ASD LRC |
Cornish | cegin, keghin | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Cornish | cog | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Welsh | cegin | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Welsh | cōg | cook | n | ASD LRC |
English |
Old English | āfigen | fried | adj | W7 LRC |
Old English | cōc | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Old English | cycene, cicene | kitchen | n.fem | W7 ASD LRC |
Old English | cyln | kiln | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | bisquite | biscuit | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | cook | cook | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | kichene | kitchen | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | kilne | kiln | n | W7 LRC |
Middle English | quiture | quittor | n | W7 LRC |
English | apricot | deciduous Asian tree with fleshy succulent fruit | n | AHD LRC |
English | biscotto | biscuit, twice-baked cookie | n | AHD LRC |
English | biscuit | hard/crisp dry baked product | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | concoct | to prepare (a meal) by combining crude materials | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cook | one who cooks | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | cook | to prepare food/meals | vb | LRC |
English | cuisine | manner of preparing food | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | culinary | re: kitchen/cookery | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | decoct | to extract flavor by boiling | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | drupe | one-seeded indehiscent fruit | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | dyspepsia | indigestion | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | kiln | oven/furnace for processing substance by firing/drying | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | kitchen | room/place with cooking facilities | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pepo | many-seeded fruit of gourd family | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pepsin | proteinase in stomach that digests proteins | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | peptic | digestive, re: digestion | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | peptize | to create colloidal solution | vb.trans | AHD W7 LRC |
English | peptone | water-soluble result of partial protein hydrolysis | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | precocious | very early in development/occurrence | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pukka | authentic, genuine | adj | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pumpion | pumpkin | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | pumpkin | round yellow/orange gourd | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | quittor | purulent inflammation of feet (esp. in horses/asses) | n | AHD W7 LRC |
English | ricotta | soft Italian cheese | n | AHD LRC |
British English | peptise | to peptize | vb.trans | LRC |
West Germanic |
Dutch | abrikoos | apricot | n | TLL LRC |
Dutch | keuken | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Dutch | kok | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Old Saxon | kok | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Low German | kokk | cook | n | ASD LRC |
Old High German | chuhhina, kuchina | kitchen | n.fem | W7 ASD LRC |
Old High German | koch | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Middle High German | koch | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Middle High German | küche, kuche(n) | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
German | Aprikose | apricot | n | TLL LRC |
German | Koch | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
German | Küche | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
German | Pepsin | pepsin | n.neut | W7 LRC |
German | Pepton | peptone | n | W7 LRC |
North Germanic |
Icelandic | kock-hūs | kitchen, lit. cook-house | n | ASD LRC |
Icelandic | kokkr | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Danish | abrikos | apricot | n | TLL LRC |
Danish | kjökken | kitchen | n.neut | ASD LRC |
Danish | kok | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Swedish | aprikos | apricot | n | TLL LRC |
Swedish | kock | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Swedish | kök | kitchen | n.neut | ASD LRC |
Italic |
Latin | coctura | act of cooking | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | coctus | cooked | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | cocus, coquus | cook, chef | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Latin | concoctus | cooked together | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | concoquō, concoquere | to cook together | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | coquō, coquere | to cook | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | culina | kitchen | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | culinarius | re: kitchen/cooking | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | decoctus | cooked | vb.ptc | W7 LRC |
Latin | decoquo, decoquere | to cook, boil, melt | vb | W7 LRC |
Latin | drupa | overripe olive | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | dyspepsia | indigestion | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Latin | pepo | pepo, melon | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Latin | pepticus | peptic | adj | W7 LRC |
Latin | praecox, praecocis | precocious, early ripening | adj | W7 LRC |
Late Latin | coquina | kitchen | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Medieval Latin | bis-coctus | twice-cooked | adj | AHD LRC |
New Latin | drupa | one-seeded indehiscent fruit | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Spanish | cocina | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Old French | biscuit | biscuit | n | AHD LRC |
Old French | quiture | act of boiling | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Middle French | bescuit | twice-cooked bread | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Middle French | pain | bread | n.masc | W7 LRC |
French | abricot | apricot | n | LRC |
French | cuisine | kitchen | n.fem | W7 LRC |
French | pompon | pumpion | n.masc | W7 LRC |
Italian | albicocca | apricot | n | LRC |
Italian | biscotto | biscotto | n.masc | LRC |
Italian | cucina | kitchen | n.fem | ASD LRC |
Italian | cuóco | cook | n.masc | ASD LRC |
Balto-Slavic |
Lithuanian | kepù | to grind | vb | LRC |
Lithuanian | kukne | kitchen | n | ASD LRC |
Russian | kuchnja | kitchen | n | ASD LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | kuchari | cook | n | ASD LRC |
Old Church Slavonic | peko | to grind | vb | LRC |
Hellenic |
Homeric Greek | πέπων | ripe, mellow; pet, dear; coward, weakling | adj | LRC |
Homeric Greek | πέσσω | to cook, bake; ripen; digest | vb | LRC |
Greek | dryppa | olive | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Greek | dyspepsia | indigestion | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Greek | peptein | to cook, digest | vb | W7 LRC |
Greek | peptikos | peptic | adj | W7 LRC |
Greek | peptos | cooked, digested | adj | W7 LRC |
Greek | pepsis | digestion | n.fem | W7 LRC |
Late Greek | πραικόκιον | apricot | n | LRC |
Armenian |
Armenian | hac' | bread | n | LRC |
Indo-Iranian |
Sanskrit | pakva | cooked; ripe, solid | adj | W7 LRC |
Sanskrit | pácanti | to cook, fry | vb | LRC |
Hindi | pakkā | cooked, ripe, solid | adj | W7 LRC |
Tocharian |
Tocharian A | päk- | to cook, be cooked | vb | LRC |