1. meit(ʰ)-

place to stay

Reflexes - Pokorny

AvestanmaēϑanəmResidence for humans and gods, dwelling, houseTBDIEW UKY GPT
Avestanmiϑnāitiresides, lives, staysTBDIEW UKY GPT
Lithuanianmintù, mìstito nourish oneselfTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianmìtasLivelihoodTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianmaitìntinourishTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianmaĩstasFoodTBDIEW UKY GPT
LithuanianmaitàCarrionTBDIEW UKY GPT
LatvianmàitaCarrionTBDIEW UKY GPT
LatvianmitiâtProviding shelter and nourishmentTBDIEW UKY GPT
Latvianmìtu, mistlive, stay, have one's foodTBDIEW UKY GPT
Old PrussianmaitānourishesTBDIEW UKY GPT